With less than an hour, I found myself in front of the keyboard, typing away. To sum up my 2010, I would have to give it a perfect ten for scoring purposes. Sure I had my tremendous roller coaster ride this year which actually made it perfect. Without my wild twists and turns, I wouldn't be who I am right now. :) Here's a summary of what happened to me this year...
*Great Depression #987654321*
Being a bum made me felt so useless. For some time, I thought I totally bagged it only to be frustrated and depressed BIG TIME!
*Wasted Cupid*
My single friends and I make it a point to be each other's date during V-Day. Who said that V-Day is for love birds only?? We definitely know how to have fun with or with out L-O-V-E :) Result was, a wasted cupid :))
*Cuhrazy Rach*
Depression can make you go cuhrazy! Partey, partey!!! You know pole dancing?? Nuff said =))
*Dora Explores East Asia*
I was soooooooo blessed to see East Asia this year. Parentals and I went to visit ate in Sushilandia. I <3 Japs!!! They're sooooo nice, neat and orderly.
Just this sembreak, mum and I invaded Kimchilandia. Koreans are one of the best people I have ever met. :D
Next stop on my list... China para kumpleto na ang East Asia tour :)
My 22nd natal proved to be very memorable and fantabuloso! I had four surprises and I felt soooooo loved! :D Thank you Lord!
*More Friends = More FUN*
It feels awesome to be friends with your colleagues and that's what I have. Work isn't really work with my co-teachers. My good ol' fellas proved to be solid rock. Busy skeds and priorities come in our way but we manage. Cheers to infinity and beyond! <3
*Going back HOME*
I spent twelve years of my life in this place and never in my wildest imagination did I picture myself going back... as a teacher! Probably the biggest decision I have made this year. Being an educator is very challenging but I thank God because I know this is where I SHOULD be :)
I have learned a lot about life this year and I know there's a looooot more in store for me in 2011. 2010 has been so kind yet elusive with "wants" but what is more important is I have what I NEED. :) A gazillion thanks to all of you who helped me along the way and most especially to that Big Guy Up Above. <3 <3 <3 'til then...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Twenty- Two Years Later...
Posted by
rachelexi :)
10:51 PM
Lydia and Raffy were happily married for eight years. They had two adorable kids, a boy and a girl. All is well with the family. You would say that their life was fine, an average income, living in one roof with the rest of the clan not to mention contentment and happiness.
Since February is the love month...should I really tell you more about it?? Little did the couple know that in the end of February of 1988, exciting thing would happen to their family. Lydia missed a day in her count and voila! Nine months later, a bouncing baby girl was born.
Her name is Ma. Rachel T. Valencia. That's me, me, me!!! :) I came in this world surprising my parents. I wasn't really part of the plan but come to think of it, had I not been conceived your life would suck! hahaha! I do believe that I am God's little angel to my mother and father and the little devil to my siblings. ;p
I grew up feeling left out by my siblings because of the age gap. I am six years apart from my kuya and five years apart from my ate. So while I was playing with my toys they were out it the streets playing. My kuya constantly teased me that I am adopted that stuck in my head for years! It was until I turned sixteen that I stopped asking my mom if it was true. She had to scold me for being makulit about it. She asked me what made me think that I'm adopted. I was a kid and I believed everything that people told me. Up to this day, my brother thinks it is funny that I seriously fell for his silly joke!
As a kid, I could say that I was lucky to have almost everything that I wanted. Though we were trained to earn it the hard way, it taught me to appreciate the value of hard work.
I was sent to a good school which I have attended for twelve years. It was indeed my second home. I met the coolest, painfully honest, sweetest friends there. The kids from school were my childhood friends. I had more friends in school than from where I am living. It is in this school that I have met the mean, pain in the a** kids who try to mess up with me and my crew. The school was the place where I had the sweetest eyecandies (or so I thought) and experienced failures left and right.
It was a shame to leave this school when I had to attend college. I had too much difficulty in college! The school was enormously huge, the class had 45 students and it was 1 and 1-/2 (2 if traffic) away from home. I literally stepped out of my comfort zone! I had to adjust to the new environment and thankfully, I met awesome friends who like me were struggling with college life. I wouldn't have survived college without them. :)
College was done and I was out in the "real" world. I struggled for the second time. The change of environment shook me big time! I wanted to see the world so I pursued this job that would enable me to pursue that dream. Fate was testing me how far I would go. I had a taste of that dream only to find out that it was just that, taste. I felt really devasted over it but life goes on as they say.
Shortly after I got my dream shattered, I got a call from my Alma Mater asking me if I could do a College Career Seminar for its Junior and Senior students. I gladly accepted it and thought it was the perfect time to swing by the school. When I saw the kids, I made a mental note to myself that I had to go back. How? The answer came to me a month after...
I saw myself walking in the school grounds, went to the guidance counselor and handed my resume. I took the exam and passed it. I've been taking exams left and right. At that time, I remained a bum, a personal choice. The school offered me a teaching post... I had another offer in a private company which I eventually declined.
There is something magnetic about the school. I struggled in the start and slowly but surely, I have managed. I have survived over half of the school year already.
Twenty-two years later, never in my wildest dreams have I seen myself teaching! But to tell you the truth, I love it. I can safely say that I am THE HAPPIEST person alive! :D I have the best family who supports me all the way whatever decision I make. My friends have been tremendously awesome through thick and thin. My colleagues serve as the solid unit that keeps me sane in school, they make life so much bearable.
To all the people who have been/ are still part of my life, a GAZILLION thanks for making my life insanely challenging yet worth-living. :) Thank you Lord for showing me a glimpse of heaven through these people. ♥♥♥ 'til then... :D
Since February is the love month...should I really tell you more about it?? Little did the couple know that in the end of February of 1988, exciting thing would happen to their family. Lydia missed a day in her count and voila! Nine months later, a bouncing baby girl was born.
Her name is Ma. Rachel T. Valencia. That's me, me, me!!! :) I came in this world surprising my parents. I wasn't really part of the plan but come to think of it, had I not been conceived your life would suck! hahaha! I do believe that I am God's little angel to my mother and father and the little devil to my siblings. ;p
I grew up feeling left out by my siblings because of the age gap. I am six years apart from my kuya and five years apart from my ate. So while I was playing with my toys they were out it the streets playing. My kuya constantly teased me that I am adopted that stuck in my head for years! It was until I turned sixteen that I stopped asking my mom if it was true. She had to scold me for being makulit about it. She asked me what made me think that I'm adopted. I was a kid and I believed everything that people told me. Up to this day, my brother thinks it is funny that I seriously fell for his silly joke!
As a kid, I could say that I was lucky to have almost everything that I wanted. Though we were trained to earn it the hard way, it taught me to appreciate the value of hard work.
I was sent to a good school which I have attended for twelve years. It was indeed my second home. I met the coolest, painfully honest, sweetest friends there. The kids from school were my childhood friends. I had more friends in school than from where I am living. It is in this school that I have met the mean, pain in the a** kids who try to mess up with me and my crew. The school was the place where I had the sweetest eyecandies (or so I thought) and experienced failures left and right.
It was a shame to leave this school when I had to attend college. I had too much difficulty in college! The school was enormously huge, the class had 45 students and it was 1 and 1-/2 (2 if traffic) away from home. I literally stepped out of my comfort zone! I had to adjust to the new environment and thankfully, I met awesome friends who like me were struggling with college life. I wouldn't have survived college without them. :)
College was done and I was out in the "real" world. I struggled for the second time. The change of environment shook me big time! I wanted to see the world so I pursued this job that would enable me to pursue that dream. Fate was testing me how far I would go. I had a taste of that dream only to find out that it was just that, taste. I felt really devasted over it but life goes on as they say.
Shortly after I got my dream shattered, I got a call from my Alma Mater asking me if I could do a College Career Seminar for its Junior and Senior students. I gladly accepted it and thought it was the perfect time to swing by the school. When I saw the kids, I made a mental note to myself that I had to go back. How? The answer came to me a month after...
I saw myself walking in the school grounds, went to the guidance counselor and handed my resume. I took the exam and passed it. I've been taking exams left and right. At that time, I remained a bum, a personal choice. The school offered me a teaching post... I had another offer in a private company which I eventually declined.
There is something magnetic about the school. I struggled in the start and slowly but surely, I have managed. I have survived over half of the school year already.
Twenty-two years later, never in my wildest dreams have I seen myself teaching! But to tell you the truth, I love it. I can safely say that I am THE HAPPIEST person alive! :D I have the best family who supports me all the way whatever decision I make. My friends have been tremendously awesome through thick and thin. My colleagues serve as the solid unit that keeps me sane in school, they make life so much bearable.
To all the people who have been/ are still part of my life, a GAZILLION thanks for making my life insanely challenging yet worth-living. :) Thank you Lord for showing me a glimpse of heaven through these people. ♥♥♥ 'til then... :D
Thursday, October 14, 2010
From Manila with ♥
Posted by
rachelexi :)
10:33 PM
Prologue: I haven’t blogged for quite a while now. My busy schedule hinders me from blogging and most of the time, I’m too tired to blog when I do have the time. Anyway, this day is special that despite my very tight schedule, time stops for you. I hope this will make your birthday even better. :D
I woke up this day sleepy as hell but first thing that came to mind was your birthday. I thank God for giving you another year full of blessings and lessons in life. I survived a rather rough day in school and I looked forward to coming home. Mum cooked pancit for your birthday. :D
I took a breather and off we went to Church to give thanks on your behalf. I made an effort to look pretty nice for you because I know you want me to look prim and proper. On our way out from the Church, we ran into your favorite priest. I had no choice but to “mano”. I laughed and said to myself, “Si ate may paborito kay Father, hindi ako!” I knew that if you were here, you would be all giddy seeing Father Dennis.
It feels different celebrating your birthday without you. =( But I do know that you are happy there though sometimes homesickness could be a pain in the a**. I’m happy that your day turned out oh so fine. :D
I could describe you in a gazillion words but I’d let the others get a piece of heaven through you. Thank you for all the love and patience throughout the years. We’ll you December. To the best sister in the world, an awesome friend, fellow beach bum, Happy, happy Birthday Ate! :D
I woke up this day sleepy as hell but first thing that came to mind was your birthday. I thank God for giving you another year full of blessings and lessons in life. I survived a rather rough day in school and I looked forward to coming home. Mum cooked pancit for your birthday. :D
I took a breather and off we went to Church to give thanks on your behalf. I made an effort to look pretty nice for you because I know you want me to look prim and proper. On our way out from the Church, we ran into your favorite priest. I had no choice but to “mano”. I laughed and said to myself, “Si ate may paborito kay Father, hindi ako!” I knew that if you were here, you would be all giddy seeing Father Dennis.
It feels different celebrating your birthday without you. =( But I do know that you are happy there though sometimes homesickness could be a pain in the a**. I’m happy that your day turned out oh so fine. :D
I could describe you in a gazillion words but I’d let the others get a piece of heaven through you. Thank you for all the love and patience throughout the years. We’ll you December. To the best sister in the world, an awesome friend, fellow beach bum, Happy, happy Birthday Ate! :D
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Blood on your hands, Boss chief
Posted by
rachelexi :)
9:24 PM
WARNING: Blog contains some photos that are quite graphic. Please exit my page if you can not handle it. Thank you! Should you proceed, you have been warned…
Prologue: I had coffee with my friends to de-stress after a manic Monday in school. On my way home, I was silently walking and was singing a song inside my head. A frap with friends did its magic on me because it uplifted my spirit. I passed by the tricicyle terminal in our subdivision when I heard a part of the news about a hostage situation. I didn’t stop by to listen more thinking it was just another attention-seeking person who wanted media exposure. I got home, watched the television until it was news time…
Apparently, the hostage situation started early Monday morning while I was in school. I totally had no idea of what was going on until I saw it on the news. The attention-seeking person turned out to be a former policeman in Manila who was dismissed from service because of extortion. He demanded that he be reinstated to service. The man’s name was Rolando Mendoza, a policeman for 30 years. According to reports, he was a good man doing his service with utmost dedication. Sure, the man may have had his lapses but we should’ve listened to him at the least. Kulang lang siya sa panguunawa at pansin. I fully understand where he was coming from. It pains me that this man died a very painful death.
I was never a fan of hostage crisis. I remember I was caught in traffic for a M-A-J-O-R exam because of one hostage crisis. The professor did not believe that I got late because of the commotion caused by Jun Ducat in 2007. He seized the entire bus containing little tykes because he wanted reforms in the education system. The desire was there, it was for a good cause but the means was just utterly wrong! Kung hindi ako pinayagan kumuha ng exam at kung hindi ako pumasa, siguro habang buhay kong minumura si Ducat dahil sa ginawa niya. You can never get anything good from hostaging that’s why I never understood the essence of it.
Sure, Mr. Mendoza might have had his demands but I do believe that all of these were negotiable. However, we failed to give him that. Nagmatigas ang kabilang panig. We should’ve known better that we are at his mercy. We did not give in to his demands the main reason why he held these tourists as hostage. Screw negotiation! May naidulot ba itong maganda? WALA!!!
What triggered the man to run amok was when the police seized his brother. How they treated him was very inhuman! Kahit sinong kapatid magagalit sa ginawa ng pulisya! Respeto na lang sa kapwa tao. Gregorio Mendoza is also a policeman. Yung respeto na lang sa kapwa pulis eh. Walang-wala.
Captain Mendoza started to shoot randomly inside the bus. The bus driver was able to escape and told the police that everyone inside was already dead. The assault team now advanced toward the bus. It took them over an hour before the siege finally ended. It was the longest torture I have ever experienced. My knees weakened when the driver said that everyone is dead. Deep inside my heart, I was praying may this be a speculation only.
A total failure on the part of the SWAT. Misters, what the f*ck were you doing?? Where is crisis management and strategic plan? Tira lang kayo ng tira wala namang kwenta.
There could have been a gazillion and one ways to solve this crisis in which could’ve turned out pretty well but we opted to do it the other way around. We opted to risk the lives of the hostages and hostage taker.
Eight of the tourists died, three under observation, four injured and heavily traumatized. The hostage taker sustained eight shots, one in the head that probably killed him. =(
These people who died were all victims. Yes, including Mr. Mendoza. These Hong Kong nationals were merely exploring, enjoying and perhaps adoring our beautiful land and this is what we give them in return – hell on earth. What a way to treat them. =(
My sadness is beyond words with what happened last night. The sky wept for all those innocent victims and I joined the sky weeping. Never have I been ashamed of being a Filipino until two incidents, one of which is this. Masakit man sabihin, sana Pinoy na lang yung sakay nung bus. Para kahit papaano sariling mamamayan natin yun. In my opinion, it would have lessened the shame. It’s blood on our hands. The world is watching the country intently. There are a few countries that followed the lead of Hong Kong with regards to raising a travel ban here. ‘Wag na natin intindihin yung mawawala na kita eh, yung takot na lang na dinulot natin sa mga turista na dapat dadayo dito. The name of the Philippines itself was put at stake. =( That reason alone brings shame to my brown complexion.
Boss chief, people expect you to protect them from harm. We didn’t expect that in your hands would be blood shed by these innocent tourists. =(
From the bottom of my heart and with all sincerity, I am sorry because our citizens screwed up BIG TIME. We are at your mercy that deep within your hearts you may be able to forgive us one day. I am extremely sorry young lad, it is because of us that you are now an orphan =( I am one with your grievance and suffering mother for you have lost your husband, two daughters and now your son is in the ICU. May he survive this dark stage.
Everyone is to be blamed for this tragedy. Mr. Mendoza for hostaging this particular tourist bus so as to be heard of his complaints. The PNP for being so reckless of all their actions especially in times of crisis. The SWAT for their inept strategy and moves. The media for aggravating the situation because of their coverage. The bystanders who caused difficulty on the part of the rescue team. We all had our part, so it is our duty as Filipinos to bring back the glory and dignity that was lost because of this very sad outcome.
Let us be one in prayer for all the people who have passed away in this hostage crisis. God bless the Philippines and its people.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Posted by
rachelexi :)
10:36 PM
It's this day of the year again when we celebrate the special day of the man that raised us... It's Father's Day and I'm thinking of what to write about my dad.
There's a gazillion words to say but I'm finding it hard where to begin. Let me start by describing him. Papa's the MAN. He's been there for me since I could remember. I remember him dropping me off to school and patiently waited for me until class is over. We would walk to the nearest ice cream place just to buy twin pops.
He was and still is my bestfriend. I got my hairdo from him. Hindi kasi marunong magtali ng buhok kaya one-sided ang ginawang hati ng buhok ko. I remember doing pigtails on my own, result was lopsided. nyahaha!
From the one who used to comb my hair, pap became my buddy whenever I needed company. He's constantly there for me.
Allow me to share a few of the lessons pap has taught me through out the years... Here's a few:
1. Whistling while walking
2. Kicking stones while walking to kill boredom. Magugulat ka na lang nakarating ka na pala sa pupuntahan mo kakasipa ng bato :))
3. Biking will save you money ;p
4. Wear boots whenever necessary aka always! hahaha!
5. Be malambing to mama to the point that you annoy her
That's just five of the things I learned from my father. I can feel that somewhere in Japan my sister would be laughing and nodding in agreement with me with these lessons. ;p
Papa's indeed all-around for me and my siblings. Mum says that pa babied us too much. Until now, my siblings and I take hot bath. Nasanay na mainit and tubig pag naliligo kasi iniinitan kami ng tubig ni papa. That's how loving and dedicated my father is to all of us. :)
I look forward to many more years of being Papa's little princess. Kaya wag kang pasaway with your meds and health okay? We still have to tag along mama and tour the world!
To the solar system's coolest, in-the-know, childlike dad, Master Cedie, I ♥♥♥ you!!! Thank you for being whatever and whoever I need you to be. Father's Happy Day to you Papa! 'til then...
There's a gazillion words to say but I'm finding it hard where to begin. Let me start by describing him. Papa's the MAN. He's been there for me since I could remember. I remember him dropping me off to school and patiently waited for me until class is over. We would walk to the nearest ice cream place just to buy twin pops.
He was and still is my bestfriend. I got my hairdo from him. Hindi kasi marunong magtali ng buhok kaya one-sided ang ginawang hati ng buhok ko. I remember doing pigtails on my own, result was lopsided. nyahaha!
From the one who used to comb my hair, pap became my buddy whenever I needed company. He's constantly there for me.
Allow me to share a few of the lessons pap has taught me through out the years... Here's a few:
1. Whistling while walking
2. Kicking stones while walking to kill boredom. Magugulat ka na lang nakarating ka na pala sa pupuntahan mo kakasipa ng bato :))
3. Biking will save you money ;p
4. Wear boots whenever necessary aka always! hahaha!
5. Be malambing to mama to the point that you annoy her
That's just five of the things I learned from my father. I can feel that somewhere in Japan my sister would be laughing and nodding in agreement with me with these lessons. ;p
Papa's indeed all-around for me and my siblings. Mum says that pa babied us too much. Until now, my siblings and I take hot bath. Nasanay na mainit and tubig pag naliligo kasi iniinitan kami ng tubig ni papa. That's how loving and dedicated my father is to all of us. :)
I look forward to many more years of being Papa's little princess. Kaya wag kang pasaway with your meds and health okay? We still have to tag along mama and tour the world!
To the solar system's coolest, in-the-know, childlike dad, Master Cedie, I ♥♥♥ you!!! Thank you for being whatever and whoever I need you to be. Father's Happy Day to you Papa! 'til then...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Japan 101
Posted by
rachelexi :)
11:22 PM
The recent trip to Japan was ultimately awesome. :D I learned a lot of things and I mean A LOT! Culture, history, fashion, lifestyle, health, the list goes on and on. Let me share with you some of the things I enjoyed during this trip.
SAKURA is L-O-V-E as in ♥♥♥
It was perfect timing to see sakura in full bloom. :D Ate really wanted us to visit her at that time because of this. She missed it last year and all of us would see it together. I instantly fell in love with it. It’s love at first sight. ♥♥♥ One has to see it for his/her self to fully understand and appreciate what I mean..
Get me a sakura in full bloom here in Pinas and I swear we’ll be the bestest best friends or lovers for life. hahaha! Good luck with that. ;p Seriously, it’s a sight to see..
Tokyo Fashion
Japan defines FASHION. Get inspired with Japanese as they express themselves through fashion. For some, it would be radical but radical exists in this awesome place. :D So if you’re a little bit on the reserved side when it comes to fashion, go to Tokyo or any place in Japan to explore and express a fashion statement. This was the only place I get to wear whatever I want without fearing of being branded as baduy. Lahat cool. For that, two thumbs up for fashionistas! =).
Temple galore
Buddhism is one of the main religions has a lot of temples. We visited a few and it was such a solemn place. No wonder monks can really meditate. I finally met the Big Guy, my God in a different form..
You would definitely adore the temple structure if you are a fan of architecture. Hanep lang sa pagkakagawa. It’s an amazing sight to see. :D.
Discipline and respect
I believe that for a country to progress, discipline is a MUST. I can safely say that Japs are a bunch or disciplined people. =) From trash to escalator to train seats and whole lot more..
Ang hindi ay HINDI. They strictly abide by their laws. They also have high regards for respect. Bowing is a sign of courtesy and even in their language, they are very respectful. May iba’t-ibang level depende kung katanda, mas bata o mas matanda ang kausap mo. Ibang level ang respeto sa kanila. Bow down talaga ako..
Generation gap
Japanese are hard-working people. They can be compared to bees ‘coz they work for almost all their life. The problem is they have an ageing population. Sa sobrang busy ng mga tao kakatrabaho eh kulang ang baby production. The government had to offer incentives to those couples who would bear kids. Imagine that! Dito satin, baby boom, sa kanila wala naman..
Old people still go to work. They are built that way. But babies are coming to the rescue. hehehe! Yun lang kailangan pa maghintay ng mga 18 years or more bago sila mapakinabangan pero kahit papaano eh meron ng papalit na henerasyon..
These are just a few of the things that you would love, learn and appreciate in the Land of the Rising Sun. I have so much to tell but this blog is quite long already. Besides, if I tell you everything about my trip, there’s a chance that you won’t see it for yourself anymore right? Ano, tara lets sa Sushilandia?? :D ‘til then…
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Jane Mizue
Posted by
rachelexi :)
12:49 AM
The next day, we were supposed to go to Roppongi for the Easter Mass. We dropped by Mizue to say our thanks to the Miyatas and Nakayamas. Our pasta lunch wasn’t much of a success. Even ate admitted that it was below her cooking standard but we all enjoyed the pastries brought by the Nakayama couple. =) Mega cute parang sayang kainin.
Pap and Nakayamasan were having beer, it was just past 1pm, talk about sunog-baga. hehehe! Ang tatay ko matanda na dahil mabilis tamaan. He was saying Japanese words differently. The Pinays laughed their a**es off! =)) Pa, iba yung sinasabi mo.
After a few drinks, the couple left so that we could rest for a bit daw before proceeding to Roppongi. They are indeed very nice people. =D We said our gazillion thanks to baba. She was really an adorable lola. She gave us cash since she can’t afford to go out and buy us stuff, kami na lang daw. She was even apologizing. Grabe lang. Arigatou Gozaimasu baba! :D
I just can’t get enough of sakura. I had to take photos and photos of it at the park. Masaya rin yung photo op namin dahil hindi ganun kadami ang mga tao. It was cloudy again and pap suggested that we just go home rather than risk going to Roppongi, Shinjuku and all the other places we were supposed to go and get soaked up.
Though we weren’t able to go, I know that I have been blessed more than I could ever deserve. Thank you Lord! =) Jane, Mizue. I will be back for you.
Baba, please always take care of yourself, I’ll see you next year. Thank you baba! Papa Miyata, thank you very much for being so kind to ate, us and calling me bunso. I feel so baby-ish. ;p Nakayamasan, thank you, thank you, for all the help and hospitality to my sister and to us as well. Kaorusan, thank you very much for being ate’s mama there, being so kind and for the bags. I ♥♥♥ Japs! =D ‘til then…
Go Lalalala over Lalaport =)
Posted by
rachelexi :)
12:48 AM
After three days of hiatus, we back in circulation. Lalaport it was for Valencia family minus kuya and Miyata family. Lalaport, a MALL. The mall that we’ve been to felt like just a store. Sure it had a few floors but the fun part was missing and I think malls should have that. Recreation, that’s the word and Lalaport has that. =) When I saw it from the outside, I was blown away because it was big. Siguro baby MOA, ganun ang dating. Inside, it was definitely MOA vibe. Maloloca ka sa dami ng stores! Napagod na naman kami kakalakad at window-shopping. Ate wasn’t able to locate Zara. Don’t worry, you can go there anytime you’re free just take a shinkansen to Funabashikeibajo. hahahaha!
After Lalaport, we went to a better store, second-hand store baby. hahaha! I drooled over surfboards. I will have one but first I need to enroll in a surfing academy. Anyone who would like to join me?? We weren’t able to find good buys but the Miyata couple did. hurrah!
We parted ways, said our adios because we were leaving in a few days and we might not be able to see them anymore. We took a train that will bring us to Yukarigaoka…only it didn’t take us there. Ate realized we took the wrong train. ahahaha! We ended up in Chibachuo or something like that. Patawa talaga si ate. =))
We took another train, this time verifying first and then a walkathon before finally reaching home. When we got there, Ate Arlene’s cousin, Kuya Ryan was having drinks with Kuya Dante. We had dinner then watched the tv afterwards.
Weeeeee, had a few drinks with ate and the kuyas. =) I know, it wasn’t Easter yet. I celebrated a few hours earlier lang. aynaku! Humirit pa ako ng palusot. I was so excited to drink because I had my last alcoholic drink over a month ago. Rarely would ate and I drink together so that was fun bonding time. :D
What should have been one drink turned out to be four or five?? hahaha! Iniwan na nga ako ni ate sa ere eh. Mum even thought I had too much because I was red. Blush yun ma. I am seriously getting you for my birthday Kuya Ryan. hahahaha! Salamat sa yummy drink. ‘til then…
Monday, April 19, 2010
No Frills, Just Thrills :))
Posted by
rachelexi :)
1:36 AM
We woke up the next day, packed our bags for the second time and went downstairs. We had one last breakfast together and we were hoping that it was really the last. I enjoyed my vacation but I really wanted to go home already.
We bid adios one more time, this time it was short since we said adios the other day, there wasn’t really anything else to say.
Kuya Dante dropped us off to the train station and we made our way to the lift. Nakasabay na naman namin yung Pinoy. Sabi ni ate dahil may schedule ang train, talagang uso daw ang trainmates. hahaha! Galing di ba? He asked us if we weren’t able to take the flight the other day. Buti na lang at konti na lang ang dala namin.
We got in the airport, mum approached the counter and they guaranteed us seats. :D yeheeeeeeey! Not just seats but Mabuhay seats! We were upgraded baby! Economy class was full and so we were ugraded. Ang saya-saya ko! Okay na ang Mabuhay pero mas okay ang Mabuhay sa 777. :D You can recline your seat into a bed and the legroom was very spacious. Not that I needed legroom but the thought of my legs freely stretched is heaven. :D
It has been a norm for us to dress appropriately when traveling. We weren’t allowed to wear shirts, jeans and rubber shoes. Dapat laging Makati look. Even when we were kids, ate and I wore dresses with matching stockings pa! I remember going to Kalibo was the only time I was allowed to wear something casual. A shirt, cargo pants and sneakers and that was because I was off to Boracay. I wasn’t even allowed to wear shorts.
I used to feel bad because I had to look all business-like. But I totally understand everything now. Imagine if we got upgraded and we were wearing casual clothes. Nakakapanliit yun. Naengot nga kami ni Papa sa meal procedure. =)) Napaghahalataan na hindi sanay sa Mabuhay. Ako nagpapanggap na alam kahit clueless. Buti na lang kasama namin si jetsetter mama to help us out.
Solution to my problem is to fly Mabuhay more often. In short, please always upgrade us. hehehehe! Bawing-bawi ang lungkot ko sa upgrade. hahaha! Happy, happy kiddo. =D
Jane Japan! Don’t miss me too much. I promise I will be back. You’re such a beautiful place, rich in culture, a history to learn and just plain amazing. =) ‘til then…
Hype to the Highest Level
Posted by
rachelexi :)
1:36 AM
April 05, was our last day to go out and explore. So despite the gloomy weather, we still went out. Hanami with ate’s school was cancelled due to the weather. :S Too bad, I was really looking forward to it. Di bale next year na lang.
So we woke up early (don’t want to be late), had breakfast and faced the cruel cold weather outside. Despite leaving early, we still got late (pooooof!!!) but Atsuko Sensei and Kazuya Sensei were really nice to shrug it off. It’s a no-no to be late with Japanese. Instead, they were glad that we were able to see them despite the weather.
The school just had a small space but it was perfect. Kids would love it that way. I can tell ‘coz I’m a kid myself. =)) It’s very conducive for learning and a fun place to be in. I’ll have my own soon. The Nakada’s daughter, Kiara, was such an adorable girl. :D Thank God the flippies were her size and Atsuko Sensei liked the bag. Kazuya Sensei we’ll make it up to you when you visit us here. =)
After our short meeting with the Nakadas, we set off for Roppongi Hills. After days of postponing, we were finally there. The hills is the shizzzz baby! Tall towers everywhere, people walking fast, expensive houses, you bet you’re in Roppongi.
We walked for miles again. hahaha! Lakad lang ng lakad. Ate wanted papa to see the mall (or was it a tower?) showed in the television back home. Then after that, we made our way to Tokyo Tower. Holy Week was over but we were still doing our sacrifice. nyahahaha! Walking uphill is such a pain in the feet, not a** goof. ;p
After what seemed like forever, we finally reached Tokyo Tower. Okay, I thought we were just going to stay somewhere but the tickets ate bought is 150 meters high. :S I was in a bad mood since I am really a scaredy cat when it comes to heights. They should’ve left me at the lobby. Ate was in a bad mood as well since I didn’t want to go why didn’t I tell her daw. So I summoned all the strength I could get and faced my fear. I didn’t look the entire time we were in the elevator. Then it took me a while before I was able to look at the window and see how high we were. whew! I don’t mind looking at the window inside the plane which is weird that I can’t look outside the window of a 150-meter high tower which is considerably lower than 30,000 feet (plane level). haaaaay!!! But I thought it cost quite a fortune so why not enjoy it??
Fear of heights conquered. Okay, I still wouldn’t jump off an aircraft and go skydiving but I agree that it’s a different place up there. It would’ve been fantabulos to see the city lights at night. So who knows, I MIGHT go back to Tokyo Tower at night next time. =)
The Nakadas picked us up past five to have dinner. They said that since they weren’t able to take us out, hope a dinner would suffice. It was more than enough. We only wanted to meet and thank them for being sooooo nice to ate, nothing more than that. So it was really nice of them to take us out.
Shabu-shabu is lalalalalooooove. ♥♥♥ Like what I said in a previous blog, I am not a fan of Japanese food but this one, made me happy and full to the brim. :D It gives you natural high. heeeey! Not shabu! Shabu-shabu. Natural nga eh. =))
I was a bit hesitant to eat at first. At the back of my mind, I was thinking is it possible to cook your food with just boiling water? The answer is yes. For one, it’s sizzling hot and two, it was beef strips so it’s easier to cook. What a delight! Oishi indeed. =D
We headed home after our very happy dinner. What a way to say goodbye. :D We were rushing to get back home ‘coz Ate Arlene and Kuya Dante were coming home from Osaka. They finished their business pronto to see us off (I guess?) and mum wanted to cook them dinner.
When we got home, there were two pairs of shoes already. BOOOOO!!! Nauna sila samin. :S They were asleep so we went upstairs quietly. My last day in Sushilandia was very, very memorable. ‘til then…
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Posted by
rachelexi :)
6:23 PM
April 06, we woke up extra early because we might miss our flight. Ate Arlene and Kuya Dante were already up when we went downstairs. Apparently, they were too sleepy to be bothered by our whisper. Good thing, since we all thought that we might’ve woken them up.
They got the papers and they are married. Cheeeeeeers!!! :D Breakfast was oh sooooo yummy, the fish didn’t taste like fish at all. I should get a lot of that! =)) We bid the couple adios and said a gazillion thanks for their hospitality and generosity.
Kuya Dante dropped us off the train station like everyday when we go out. It wasn’t sad saying adios ‘coz I know we’ll all see each other again. I was excited to go home to my sizzling hot tropical weather.
The train trip was bit of a hassle. We had so many baggage and it was rush hour. You could imagine us all crammed in the train trying hard not to eat too much space. I felt elated when I saw a kababayan because we didn’t see too many Pinoys around Chiba. The only Pinoys in the hood were our neighbors so I got really excited to see a kababayan. :D
We got in the airport with so much time to spare. Mum walked over to the counter but the flight was full. So we were asked to wait and come back before they close the counter. We waited and sat at the bench. When we got bored, ate and I went to Uniqlo to look around. She ended up buying me a shirt. I told her she didn’t have to but she insisted since she bought kuya a jacket. You’re a rich preschool teacher indeed. ;p
We went back to check the status of the flight but it was still full. Apparently, everyone showed up, including a group of 200 tourists from Mao’s land. I love their race but why oh why did you pick the same day when we were leaving as well??
Mr. Smiling Face (think huggable Majinbu) was very sorry that he can’t do anything. Mamang Ricardo approached mum as well. They were really sorry that the flight was full and denied us to board. Gusto kong umiyak kasi uwing-uwi na ko noon.
Our major concern was the bulky baggage. We were supposed to store them in the baggage locker area but Mamang Ricardo said it was expensive and got our check-in baggage and stored it in their office. We left our carry-ons with us, our essentials are there. So no problem anymore except that we have to take the flight the next day or we extend our visa.
They gave us some goodies from passengers who refused to pay for excess baggage. Damage control ika ko. hahahaha!Pampalubag loob. Umuwi akong hukot ang balikat at mabigat ang loob. Akala ko sa hapon nung araw na yun eh nasa mainit na Pinas na ko.
Walked back home pulling my trolley bag. Biruan na nga lang sa bahay na nagpractice lang kami sa airport. It was a sunny day, perfect time to go out. Sana nakisama yung panahon nung dapat last day namin. I bet it, Tokyo Tower view would’ve been 5 times beautiful. Oh well.
We spent the entire day at home, had merienda and dinner together. I was just taking it all in. Come next day, I know I’ll be leaving and it would take me another year before I see it again. Ate Arlene and Kuya Dante were oh sooooo nice. :D ‘til then…
Friday, April 2, 2010
Time lipads soooo fast!
Posted by
rachelexi :)
8:09 PM
We took a breather the next day. We spent the entire day just at home. We walked a thousand miles (exaggerated) the other day, so our feet deserve a rest. I finally got to reflect on all the things God has given me the past year. This was the time that I realized that a year had passed when I graduated from college. Indeed time really flies. Over a year ago, I was in Australia with my mum and I was thinking back then what would be my life after graduation. Fast-forward to present, I never imagined that I would be a bum for this long.
It actually made me contemplate about my life plan and God’s plan for me. All my plans didn’t work out but I know, I can tell that God has a lot in store for me so I leave it all up to Him.
It was such a blessed, quiet (to the point that it was solemn) Wednesday for me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Iba talaga sa feeling na alam mo dapat sa bahay lang, tahimik pero yun nga eto lang yung time na pwede kami umalis kasama si ate. That one day wasn’t enough for all the sacrifices Christ did for us but for my part it was a day I got to reflect and thank God.
Moving on, the next day, we were set to invade Shinjuku, Shibuya and Harajuku. But when we woke up, the sky greeted us with dark clouds. BOOOOO!!! I wasn’t able to see mommy risa tuloy.
We decided not to go since there was a big chance that rain will pour (weather forecast in tv) and all our efforts would be in vain. Instead we went to the park (koen) near the place we were staying in. It’s definitely heaven for kids. Ang ganda-ganda ng park nila!
It was a sunny day in Chiba and I loved it. =) People were having Hanami while the kids played around. Lakad-lakad lang paikot ng park, picture dito, picture doon. Sakura is such a delight to one’s eyes. I tell you, see it for yourself to understand what I mean.
On our way home, we stopped by the mini-grocery for some chips. We were having movie marathon each night after dinner. Thank you for downloading the movies for us to watch. It became a bonding session. One big happy family indeed. =) Oh yeah, adorable Shayla, Ate Arlene’s niece was there and she likes me. yeeeeey! Bihira lang ako bumenta sa little tykes so I was soooo thrilled that we were friends.
April 2, was really a time-out since it was Good Friday. We had brunch and just after having it, Kuya Dante said he wanted some ramen so we went to this Ramen resto near our place. Kakatapos lang kumain, kain na naman. I know it should be fasting and abstinence. But I had it the other way around. Kahit busog, kumain ka! Seriously speaking, it was penitence for me. I’m not a big fan of eating so this was a challenge for me. So instead of fasting, inisip ko na lang ikakain ko yung mga walang makain. I’m not making sense so just make sense out of what I said. ;p
It was really tough going against the flow but I think we were able to observe Holy Week deep inside our hearts. I think that’s what matters most right? ‘til then…
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Literally The Big Guy ;p
Posted by
rachelexi :)
5:14 PM
After a day off, we were back to see what’s out there. On our itinerary was Kamakura and Yokohama. It was a long trip from Chiba. We were on the train for over an hour I guess. Mega layo talaga. From the train station, we started our walkathon to the Great Buddha. We asked directions from a few people and it took us about 30 minutes by foot before we reached it. There were a lot of foreigners because it is a tourist spot.
I finally met the Big Guy. Mind you, He is indeed One Big Guy. I felt again the solemnity of the place. It wasn’t really quiet but you can feel a certain aura. We went inside the statue to see what’s inside, apparently nothing. hahaha!
I said a short prayer and just took pleasure of the surrounding. =) After an hour or two, we left and started to walk back to the station once again. It was much easier going back, maybe because we knew our way.
Off we went to Yokohama to see China Town, the largest in East Asia. We had some troubles looking for it. Medyo malabo kasi yung lugar mismo. We walked and walked before we finally saw it. It felt like just Binondo but times ten or more and definitely clean!
It was past four when we had our lunch at a yummy Chinese resto. Weeeeeee! Sabog talaga ang eating time pag nasa ibang bansa. You just want to maximize your time that sometimes you forget to eat on time or forget to eat at all. Besides, I enjoyed every single day that we were out. Sure it was tiring but I love to absorb everything about Japan, culture, art, beliefs, etc.
After being full to the brim, we had much more energy and went around to see what their China Town has to offer. Of course pap spotted the Chinese hat, which we bought. We used to have one a long time ago but it’s old and ugly already.
Finally we were good to go and another round of walkathon for us. My day was very exhausting and the warm sofa at home was very inviting. =) I learned a lot in one day and I never thought that learning could be soooooo entertaining. ‘til then…
Let the Snow fall!!!
Posted by
rachelexi :)
5:13 PM
Three days of going out made us really tired so we decided to take a day-off. We stayed at home but then decided to go out nearby. It was too quiet at home and mum wanted to buy some stuff in the grocery.
When we stepped out of the door, the cool breeze made us want to retreat. Then half-way thru our walk, it started to drizzle and finally rained. My sister and I were soooooo cold and partially wet from the rain. :S She said it was snowing but I couldn’t see it. It still looked like a drop of water to me.
Once we were inside the mall, ang sarap ng feeling. Alam mo yung mainit at hindi umuulan. We just killed time inside the mall before finally heading to the grocery. One thing about Japanese is self-service. I don’t mind, it’s actually good training right? Walang mayaman o mahirap, lahat kayo maglalagay ng binili niyo sa plastic, in short bagger ka. But if you’re used to how things are here in Pinas, I’m sorry to tell you it’s not going to work in Japan. Bawal ang prima donna.
Thankfully, it stopped raining on our way home. We were watching tv the entire afternoon while surfing the net on the side. It wasn’t that cold even inside the house. We have to turn the heater on everyday because we wouldn’t survive without it. But that day, it was warm.
Kuya Dante looked out of the window. Voila! Snow. They said it’s not cold when it snows so that was the reason why it wasn’t freezing. Pap and I were giddy about the snow. Mum and Ate experienced it already so it wasn’t a big deal for them.
We went outside and indeed it was snowing. It’s amazing how God does this thing. But then He is God and has all the power to do that. I was sooo amazed. I wanted to make halo-halo. hahaha! Ganun pala yung snow, parang shaved ice. I loved and hated it at the same time.
Pap said at age 61, he finally experienced snow. I am one lucky kid, at age 21 I have experienced it. Kuya Dante told us that it shouldn’t be snowing but it did. Sabi niya nagpakita lang daw sakin. Ang swerte ko talaga. =D
Dora has experienced snow. yippie! I wish it snowed a little more so that I was able to make a snowman. hahaha! But that would be asking too much. May next time pa naman. ‘til then…
Lost in Akihabara :)
Posted by
rachelexi :)
2:27 PM
Sunday is family day. That is a norm especially with us. So we went to hear Mass in Koiwa where ate is part of the choir. Yes friends, my sister sings. She doesn’t have the mighty (sorry) vocals but she can sing decently. I think that’s what sets us apart. Grabe kumapit yan ng mic! Nagcoconcert! =)) Sakto rin na may English Mass and it was Palm Sunday as well. So we were able to observe Holy Week. My dad was never a fan of out-of-town trips during this time of the year. He believes that Holy Week should be a time for reflection and fasting not for recreation. But we had no choice but to spend it out of the country because it was ate’s break, the only free time she has. This was the second Holy Week we spent outside Pinas, the first I was too young to remember. Yun lang that time, the place we were in observed Holy Week not like in Japan. Only Pinoys and few Japanese Catholics observed it. :S
Anyway, I had a very different Sunday Mass but all the same, still blessed. It was such a good thing to see other Pinoys and foreigners who I think have the same sentiments I had regarding Catholicism. Mahirap talaga ‘pag iba ka. Oh well.
After the Mass, we left and had merienda in Yoshinoya before going to Akihabara, the major shopping area for electronic, computer, anime, and otaku goods, including new and used items (thanks wiki!). My dad enjoyed this trip though he said he didn’t enjoy the prices. Who told you we were buying pap? hahaha!
I personally had a great time. I am such a gadget junkie, minus the gadgets because I don’t have the budget. toinks! I had fun window-shopping and I had to control myself not to drool over all the DSLRs. One day, you will be mine. ;p
Oh What Fun!!!
Posted by
rachelexi :)
2:26 PM
The welcome dinner for us was a BLAST! We woke up early the next day to go to Ueno. We met up with Ate Cayl and Akichan at the train station then proceeded our journey around Ueno. We were sight-seeing but our main goal was to find the zoo entrance. Worth it naman dahil madaming magandang tanawin sa paligid. We entered a temple, tossed a coin and prayed. Ate and Ate Cayl lit incense as a tradition.
Finally, we saw the zoo entrance. It was the weekend so the zoo was packed with families. We went to Ueno Zoo and saw animals I’ve seen and never seen before. I loved the lazy polar bears and angas-looking penguins. :D But my favorite would have to be the gorilla, nakapose pa eh!
It was tiring but it was soooo much fun. I wish our zoo would be the same, housing lots of animals, clean and big. Sa lakad lang sa zoo, solve na ang exercise. After our zoo trip, we went to Ueno Park (just beside the zoo). People were all under the sakura. Hanami, a Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers (thanks wiki!) and people drink to celebrate. =D Who wouldn’t enjoy the beauty of sakura??
We parted ways with the Ate Cayl and Akichan because they were home-bound and we were off to Asakusa to see Sensoji Temple. It is Tokyo's oldest temple and one of its most significant (thanks again wiki!). We prayed and just adored the awesome place. :D
We took a breather and had some hot takoyaki (sila lang). Then we walked around looking everywhere. I saw this store selling the exact band I have for 1200 yen! Eh dito sa Pinas, 80 pesos lang. I should’ve brought a lot and sold it much cheaper. hahahaha! We saw another Buddha statue and imitated the people. We prayed like what they did. It’s giving respect to their beliefs and I do believe that Buddha is God in a different form. Technically, I was still praying to God. :D
It was yet another tiring day but the happiness was incomparable. I learned a lot about Japanese culture, appreciated art and nature all in one day. Japan has a lot to offer. ‘til then…
Edogawa Invasion
Posted by
rachelexi :)
2:26 PM
The next day, woke up, had brunch and left for Edogawa. It was cold to the point that I told my mum to book me a flight back to my sizzling Philippines. =)) So we were all wearing layers and layers of clothes but it wasn’t enough. You just have to bear with it and enjoy it. I finally met baba (Japanese for grandmother) and the woman was sooooo adorable and lovable. :D It felt like I had my lola once again. She is also petite and very malambing. Despite the language barrier, she was very endearing, talking to us even though we didn’t understand what she was saying. Ate had to translate it to us and she said nice things. If there was a word that would fit her, it would be this: NAKAKATUWA. I love oldies (I meant that in a god way) and seeing one makes me happy because I appreciate life even more. Masaya rin makipagkwentuhan sa mga lolo at lola. Subukan niyo. :D In my case, I was really eager to see baba because I wanted to thank her personally for being sooooo nice to my onechan (did I get the spelling right?) and of course to finally meet her in person. Webcam ko lang kasi siya nakikita dati tapos sa wakas nakita ko na siya at nayakap.
After getting warm, we set off once again to see ate’s hood and get a taste of it. Edogawa is a nice place to live in because it has an awesome park (but I think there’s a park everywhere in Japan), a lake nearby and just so many things to see. If I would put it, it’s like countryside but with a hint of the metro. Basta yun. I love that they have a soccer field, it’s for free unless you play after 5 or 6pm. You have to pay for the lights, but that’s a fair deal right? Not like here, usually you have to pay for your playing hours. They also have a track field, kahit yata tamad mapapatakbo sa ganda. Plus a ramp for skaters. You can tell that Japan is a progressive country by all these recreation parks. I remember someone told me before that once a country is able to provide playing field for its citizens, it’s a rich country. On that note, our country is really behind. =(
We enjoyed our time just sitting in a cozy bench, watching the kids play soccer and with the water fountain, it was freezing but they were playing as if it was a summer day. We bought hot choclit drinks in can, some bread and enjoyed our mini merienda. :D
We wanted to stay a little longer but it turned cloudy and started to drizzle. On our way back home, we spotted a cemetery and it was so solemn that I actually prayed when
we passed by. Their cemetery is very much different from ours. Check the photo to know what I mean. I also had my first encounter with sakura and I fell in love with it. Love at first sight indeed. ♥♥♥
We left before six pm and dropped by ate’s favorite pastry, bought some sweets and spotted her old eyecandy. Aba! Snabero ang lolo mo pero pasimpleng tumitingin naman. ‘Di bale ate, madami pa dyan. =) Then it was too much to resist for mum so we went in the 100 yen store. Everything 100 yen (that’s 50 pesos) and it’s 25 hours open. San ka pa ‘di ba??
We also went to Don Quixote, to check out pap’s obsession, electronics. After all our pit stops, we met up with Papa Miyata and finally set off to our welcome dinner. There was really no need for that but the Japs were oh sooooo nice. =) Kampai for awesomeness!
It was nice to finally be inside somewhere warm. I almost died of hypothermia. hihi! Baba wasn’t able to come with us, her old age won’t allow her long walk. =( The entire Nakayama family was present to welcome us as well.
I am not a fan of Japanese cuisine for one reason, I don’t eat not-so cooked food. So I was a little bit scared that I might be put on the spot to eat sushi. :S I only ate sushi once in my life and that was because it was a sushi party of my bestfriend, baru. Thankfully, my sister warned them. Yakiniku is delicioso, yumyum!!! Dora enjoyed her yakiniku. =D It was such a struggle with the chopsticks not to mention a pair of eyes looking my way. Consciousness galore!
A gazillion photos and stories later, we billed out. The men had so much to talk about that we went to a videoke (they call it karaoke) after dinner which wasn’t part f the plan? Nakayamasan even wanted us to stay overnight but we had to refuse because we had plans early the next day and a hangover wouldn’t help. haha! Japanese love to sing. They sang, I listened. That was the game plan. Or so I thought. I was comfortably seated and snapping away with the gigicam when Papa Miyata handed me the mic! Eeeeeeek! I told him that I don’t really sing but my sister and mother sold me out!!! They were nodding with conviction that I should sing. Sige na, wag na mag-inarte at magpapilit. You could ask my friends, whenever we would have videoke night, lugi talaga ako kasi hindi ako kumakanta. But I was put on the spot, so I breathed in and belted out. hahahaha! Si Papa naman pinakanta na nga ako, Celine Dion pa pinili na kanta! Ayayayay! So napa-near, far, wherever you are ako doon! =))
It was an awesome welcome dinner. Thank you very much for the yummy yakiniku dinner and shidax after. Oh yeah, Kaorusan gave me and mum cute bags. :D Sobra-sobra naman sa bait. I officially ♥♥♥ Japs!!! ‘til then…
Dora invades Land of the Rising Sun
Posted by
rachelexi :)
2:25 PM
March 25, mum, pap and I trooped to the airport with our carry-ons and check-in baggage. We had to wait for a few minutes before they allowed us to check-in. Mum had to check with the airport people what the load was. Thankfully, they made all their efforts to bank us seats. Puno kasi ang economy. So there I was trying not to grin because my bakal still hurts but I was secretly wishing that we would be upgraded. Pero economy class yung boarding pass naming so goodbye dream. You would think I’m such an ungrateful kid. It’s not that, but business class is heaven on earth. But that moment, whatever it takes to take us to ate. :D
While we killed time before boarding, our names were paged. I had two things in mind that time: One, we may be denied boarding at the last minute OR we were going to be upgraded. So when mum approached the counter, it wasn’t either of the two. We were given better seats instead. Yung nasa boarding pass kasi sa dulo na so they moved us in the bulk area (more legroom) plus tanaw ang Mabuhay class. So near yet so far away ang drama ko. haaaaaaaay…
We were oh so prepared for this trip that mum had to buy stuff in the morning of our flight. Eto na yata ang pinakasabog na trip namin. =)) Because of that, we had our pseudo lunch before boarding around two in the afternoon. Isang slice ng pizza lang!
So when hot meals were served during the flight, I ate it with gusto even if my bakals was giving me a hard time. Nothing will stop me from eating! I must say, the chicken teriyaki was good for airplane standards. ;p On second thought, I was just extremely hungry that’s why it tasted so good. LOL
As I was starting to get bored, I took photos of the clouds outside (I love window seat!) and random things. My eyes finally fell on the tv set waiting for me. =) Individual tv sets on economy?? Now that’s not so bad. So I played tetris for a bit and watched a movie until we landed in the Land of the Rising Sun aka Sushilandia. =D
It was drizzling outside and as soon as we stepped out the aircraft, it was freezing! I had to wear my jacket and mind you I was wearing long sleeves. Ganun kalamig. Thank heavens ate was such a genius for bringing extra boots for me or my feet would’ve been frozen.
The train ride was fine since we were comfortably seated and it had heater (yeeeey!). The only thing was it was an express train and it didn’t stop in our station so we had to take another train back. Two stations lang naman. Patawa si tourist guide lumagpas tuloy kami. =))
From the train station, we took a cab to get to the place we were staying in. Maraming, maraming salamat po Kuya Dante at Ate Arlene. =D Sisterrific had some troubles giving the direction to the driver and ended up calling Kuya Dante for help. Mag-aral ka nga talaga ng Nihonggo. ;p
Finally, we were “home”. We unloaded our stuff from the cab, took it inside the house, settled in for a moment and had late dinner. Pizza yumyum! So Dora has finally landed in Japan. ‘til then.. =D
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I miss Sydney
Posted by
rachelexi :)
9:14 PM
I can’t help but look back what happened to me exactly a year ago… I’ve been doing random time check since the other day because that was the time that mum and I left for Sydney to have some fun. :D
As I am making this blog, we were on our way to my aunt’s place in Melbourne. But let me share with you why I just can’t get enough of my Sydney trip… I will make one about my Melbourne trip soon.
March 09, 2009, while the rest of my block was heading down to Calaruega (up to this day, I wished that I was able to go to my retreat then had my Aussie trip), I was on my way to the airport with mum for our Sydney trip. It was really a difficult decision for me since it was my one and only retreat, my one last chance to bond with my friends and blockmates before we all go our separate ways. On the other hand, if I missed the flight, my visa would be expired for the second time in a row. So clearly, it was Sydney or Sydney?? Kidding! Mum actually gave me a choice but I couldn’t miss Aussie another time. So with a heavy heart, I went against the flow. Believe me, my heart and soul was with you guys during your retreat. I even had my own retreat letters. :D I had my “soul-searching” by the beach for an hour instead of three days.
We arrived in Sydney 8pm and waited for Tito Jonathan to pick us up. The trip to their place was quite long, almost an hour, 80kph-100kph. Imagine how far. Tired as I was, I kept my eyes wide open to see everything. :D
Finally, we got to their place and it was really nice to see Tita Amy and the kids all grown up. They had crab for dinner while I had pasta (Tita Amy prepared it just in case I didn’t like to eat crab. Thanks tita!). Then we settled in our designated room and had our well-deserved sleep.
Next day, we woke up early, had yummy breakfast and off we went with Tita Amy. She took the day off to tour us around. :D I had a blast touring around Sydney once again. It was my first ever trip and going back to my childhood memories made me feel like a kid again. Sydney will always have a special place in my heart. ♥♥♥ I seriously want to migrate there. It’s one of the few choices I have for migration. :D
We had lunch at the Establishment, it’s one of the good restos there where professionals have their lunch. Yummy steak! :D They even have catchy photos around the resto. Chefs and people covered in veggies and fruits ONLY. Enticing right? =))
After lunch, tita had to do some errands and so we went separate ways. Mum and I went to the Opera House, Circular Quay and Hyde Park. Mum asked me if I wanted to go see the Sydney Aquarium once more but I said no na. Once is enough and I was thinking we could use the money for other stuff instead. We had an awesome time eating Baskin’ Robbins. Yumyumyum!!! :D
We went strolling around the city and took lots of photos. I loved being inside the Church. Super quiet. All my memories of that place came rushing. The place felt the same. It was still the same. I love how time flies and things are still constantly the same and you love it the way it is. Mum and I waited for Tito Jonathan at the train station parking lot.
The next day, it was with yet another heavy heart that we packed our things and said goodbye to the kids, tito, tita and their cozy home. We left our stuff at tita’s office and toured Central once more. We went to shops we’ve never been to. I am definitely in love with Sydney. ♥♥♥ We had lunch with tita at a Thai restaurant and I must admit that I eat Pad Thai from that moment. :D
Tita Amy gave mum some money to buy the “kids” aka me, ate and kuya stuff because she didn’t know what we want daw. She didn’t have to. Their hospitality was more than enough for us. We picked up our stuff around 4pm and said our warmest gratitude to Tita Amy and the rest of the Wenceslao family.
We stayed in Bardwell Park station, waiting for Tito Rod. The man was surprised to see our baggage. Napabuhat siya ng wala sa oras eh. Instant macho. Thanks tito! :D We had early dinner at this membership resto. Uncle Vernon was a member of this golf area that caters a variety of cuisine. Lamb chops, yumyum! :D
We went to their place to have some coffee before they sent us off to the airport. I really had an AWESOME time in Sydney. It was one helluva trip. Sayang bitin. I shall be back soon my Sydney. ;p
You might be wondering why I am blogging this after a year. Why?? For the simple reason that I can’t get enough of my Sydney experience and it’s refreshing to relive my adventures when I don’t have to worry about anything and just be plain care-free. I miss that. But I miss Sydney the most! Take me there!!! ‘til then… ;p
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Misadventure with my tobleronies :D
Posted by
rachelexi :)
11:47 PM
The past weeks totally rocked with my tobleronies. :D I spent a few good times with them and we missed buddy even more. Feeling ko nga eh sub muna ko kay bud. Anyway, I had a blast with you guys.
Trisch, my playmate, I missed you sooooo much and hanging out with you felt like gradeschool days dear. :D I can safely say that nothing has changed. Nine years had passed but you are still that crazy, funny friend I used to know. Cheers to steady friendship despite the distance. Let’s play word racer soon. ;p
Sandra, my lollipop, I missed you a looooot and the past weeks were totally cool! Like what I told you, ikaw na lang super close ko na girl from your batch. Since our vball days, you stuck it out with me. Maraming salamat lollipop! :D I love that despite the age gap (kala mo naman ang laki!) and distance, we never fail to keep in touch. Feeling ko nga nadito ka lang sa pinas ‘coz we still get to chat, text and catch up most of the time. Daig mo pa mga andito eh. ‘Di ko nararamdaman ang presence nila. Pero loco ka rin eh. Alam mo na bakit, nakasulat naman sa letter. ;p
RR, my rockstar friend. We barely hang-out. tsk! Lumalabas lang tayo pag andito ang common friends. So, what we should do is hang-out more often before you leave, okay? I love your lyrics and carefree attitude. I know you’ll be a hit it Germany. OMG! Friends say you look like Edward Cullen. Yiheeee! That’s really hot R. :D
Let me share with you my fun misadventures with my tobleronies. This will look like a page from my journal but what the heck?!
January 26
Home from my OJT, I washed my face, changed clothes and left for buko. I don’t really know what’s with the place but we always end up chillin’ there. ;p I super missed Sandy and it was the first time that I saw her since she went home for the holidays. Oh R wag ka na magtampo miss rin kita pero andito ka lang naman. I can see you any old time. haha! So there we were, having fun, enjoying our fraps and catching up. Grabe na-miss ko talaga kayo. Here’s a photo of R lookin’ hot.

hottah!hottah! ;p
February 13 I texted Sandy but globe sabotaged me. BOOOOOOO!!! But the awesome thing was we ended up going to the same place. Yeeeeeeey! Our tables were considerably far from one another but we can see each other… and when I saw her, I got all excited and went to her. Ang galling talaga na nagtagpo kami. Not that it’s impossible but the timing couldn’t have been any better. :D Cheers to singlehood!
lollipops out for a drink
February 18 Tisay’s here. Yippie! I got this comment in my facebook account telling me to go to tropical for swimming. Five minutes after, I was all over the house getting all the stuff I needed for swimming. Twenty minutes later, I was on my way to meet the girls. Oh what fun! There was a bonus by the name of Thirdy ♥♥♥ and his mother Emeriz (hindi ko alam ang tamang spelling ng Emman). We totally had fun seeing the little boy have fun in the water. He is indeed an eyecandy. :D
kala nya kalaro lang ako :))

group pic ♥

i love my tobleronies ♥♥♥
I still can’t believe you’re engaged chica. Time flies by soooooo fast! And you still get admirers. Flaunt that ring baby! hahaha! After swimming, we went to ice monster because playmate was craving. It was also a hot day so we needed that refresh us. Jamaican patty + ice monster = ♥♥♥ Sumunod si RR after ten years, kasi party hard eh. Photo galore with tobleronies. I love!
i ♥ my tobleronies! bud uwi ka na!
February 19 I went to the mall with pap to pick up my ATM card and just when we were about to go home, I ran into RR. The rest is history…not! He grabbed me to go with him to look for the girls. Ayun, instant bonding time again. :D Two days in a row baby! I’m ecstatic!weeeeee! We went around looking for Tisay’s outfit for their gimmick. We ended up buying nothing. But I tell you, the girl can spend a lot for make-up. hahaha! Sandy bought glasses to cover up her eye because it was slightly swollen. Nakakita si Trisch ng feathery headband tapos gamitin na lang daw ni Sands as eye patch. In the end, our remedy was to cover her eye with bangs instead. Kasi wag ka nang mamboso! =)) I really had an awesome time in the mall with you guys. :D February 23 Sandy and I were set to meet in school for intrams. Too bad you missed papa Derek!grabe, mucho gwapito talaga! Ikaw, ha strike two ka na sakin. Adik ka talaga. I had one helluva fun playing watergun with you. Balik bata tayo eh. Ang sayaaaaaaa! ♥ Sana dati pa natin ginawa yun. Bitin eh.
February 26 I wouldn’t let Sandy leave without me saying adios. I felt bad the last time she left because we weren’t able to go out one last time. So I really made an effort to make up for it. No buko for us because the day when we were supposed to go out for coffee, mum and I had to go to Makati. Hindi ako nakapalag eh. So I dropped by her place to give some sweets and love letter (yiheee!) to her and buddy.
cute us ♥
She also gave me an earrings holder, useful na, cute pa. :D Then she asked me to cose my eyes and when I opened it, it was a deck of hollogram mickey mouse cards. As in mega cool! It was then that I found out that she collects cards. Na-touch naman ako at bingay mo sakin yun. I’ll keep that in mind Sandy. I’ll buy you p’ag may nakita ako na magandang design. Aalagaan ko yun don’t worry. I miss you since you left. Playmate, have you purchased your ticket? I miss you chica. I wanna go there but I don’t have funds as of the moment. Basta we’ll party hard before you leave. Bud, I super duper miss you! Uwi na please. I’m planning to give some small stuff to you and Sandy when your family leaves. Pero I’m shy. Bahala na. RR, let’s go out a lot before you leave. Rock Germany when you get there okay? See you soon hottie! I love you tobleronies! ♥♥♥ ‘til our next misadventures. ;pOne Fine Day
Posted by
rachelexi :)
11:47 PM
Two weeks ago (Feb.23), I went to school to watch the intrams. Fine, fine it was more of to see Derek Ramsay! ♥♥♥ This piece of heaven on earth got oh so lost in our little school. ;p He was invited for the ceremonial toss. I must admit, the guy has a good heart for dropping by. Awwww… Thank you for making my heart skip a beat. ;p

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 17 hearts for you mi derek lalalalalalooooove
I also saw my good old fellas and Sandy. Actually, may usapan talaga kami magkita dun. Ang galing lang na andun din si photogriver because his brother carried the torch. Then it was perfect timing that mg and rako talked and they went there as well. I bugged ate jean before intrams and she stepped up to the challenge. ;p Tita made chili con carne for us! ♥♥♥ The hotdogs! Oh the hotdogs!!! Jumbolicious. :D
i miss you mg and rako :D
Sandy told me she had good news which wasn’t really good news. Loco ka. Pero sige panalo ka na. I had fun with you guys. Karl, salamat sa pagbili ng watergun ko. It’s my favorite toy (I play with our dog) and thanks for being oh so game na basain kita. ;p
bang!!! ay watergun pala yan :))

parang studio pic. agree??
It was definitely one fine day. :D Thanks mucho fellas! I haven’t had such a fun day for a looooong time! Ang sarap maging bata ulit. ;p Sa uulitin!Just Another Day
Posted by
rachelexi :)
11:46 PM
V-day was yet another day for me this year. I’ve spent the past 21 years flying solo. Okay, scratch that. Make it flying solo for the past five years. At the age of 16, I was ready to date, only there were no boys to date. =))
I thought that I would meet my boy in college. At 17, I was still single. By the time I reached 18, I was “legally” allowed to have a boyfriend, only I didn’t have one. hahaha! My entire college life, I didn’t even have a single shadow of a boy in my midst. tsk! Sure I had lots of eyecandies but nothing really prospered. It was either they were unreachable stars or taken or I was torpedo to be “friendly”. When you’re single it’s called friendly, when you’re taken it’s called flirting. nyahaha!
During sophomore year I was told that I would meet someone. At dahil dense ako, hindi ko siya naramdaman. toinks! At ang pinakamalupit, nung graduating ako, sinabihan na naman ako na may darating, good catch. I didn’t feel nor see Mr. good catch. Booooo on me! :S
I then thought that I would meet him at work so I was excited to work. I saw one but he was taken. *sniff, sniff* Don’t look for love and love will come to you. So I just went on with my life. Enjoying every second being single. :D Just looking around for eyecandies and making friends. Kaya ako K eh…not! bwahahaha!
But it would be great if I would soon meet THE ONE. Kahit early next year pwede. Hehehe! Para lang maiba naman at may ka-date sa V-day.
V-day was just an ordinary day. So ordinary that I went to school to attend my class. After all, there was no date to look forward to. The prof was kind enough to dismiss us early because everyone was sooooo bummed that we were in school on a Sunday morning plus it was V-day. Wala ka na ngang date, sadsad ka pa sa aral. Grabe naman di ba? ;p
I don’t really mind flying solo but I must admit that there are days that I wish I had a hand to hold, tipong HHWW. hahahaha! I wish I had someone to watch movies with, someone to be with around Manila and other places, someone to surprise and most of all, someone to sit with me, buy me a venti frap (my dream date back when I was a teen) and talk sense with me. Simple lang naman ang gusto ko sa buhay.
To all the boys that I liked/loved, thank you for the fun memories and pain you caused me. It helped me mature and make better decisions. To all of you reading this, if you know my future love, please have him read this. ;p You guys have a little over than five years to find him before I decide to enter sisterhood. Sige kayo, mauubos mga madre kasi lalabas sila pag pumasok ako. hahahaha! To THE ONE, one day you will read this and you will be smiling like a lunatic because you’re toooooo kilig that I have made this blog a loooooong time ago just for you. Okay, cheesy-ness borderline. ;p ;til then…
Easier said than done
Posted by
rachelexi :)
11:35 PM
*I usually do this kind of blog every year during this month. Unfortunately, I have been suffering from tamaditis and writer’s block so I sincerely beg your pardon for the lateness of this blog and the blogs that would follow…
I always do a blog about LOVE on the second week of February. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out why. But like what I said, I had tamaditis and writer’s block so this blog would be two weeks late. Anyway, I had this blog in mind for weeks now and I certainly know what to tell you about this thing called LOVE…
I’ve never been into a relationship so my take on these things would be a hit or a miss. You would either agree or disagree with me. Either way, I hope we all learn.
Bug #1: Mr./Ms. Right Now
Better known as the meantime girlfriend or boyfriend. Rebound if you must. I do understand that infatuation happens but one must know how to differentiate it with LOVE. This often happens to people coming from a break-up. They are vulnerable to “falling in love” when in fact they are not.
Solution: Enjoy your time being single. Go out and mingle. Date people. Take it easy. Eventually, you will know if you really are ready for a serious relationship and not just a rebound.
Bug #2: One-way Love Affair
You love him/her but he/she doesn’t love you. Do I need to explain further? I don’t think so.
Solution: The love line is getting long, get to the next boy/girl. ;p What I mean is don’t waste your time waiting for this foolio to love you. You might wait for eternity and believe me you wouldn’t want that. Just remember that you are a precious gem and if he/she doesn’t see that, sorry for him/her. Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t appreciate what a lovely person you are. There’s TOO MANY fish in the sea. :D
Bug #3: North and South Pole
She is a party animal, he is a home buddy. She hates smoking, he is a chain smoker. She loves sports, he’s a lampayatot. There will always be differences. The key however is how do you work your differences out?
Solution: Before you even enter a relationship, surely you knew your differences right? For some they do but for others, differences only surface when they are already in the relationship. So how do you really deal with your differences? Nothing, you just have to live with the fact that you two are different. If you are open to try, the better. Say, your partner is into frisbee and you never played any sport. Why not try it out and see for yourself? If after trying you don’t like it, then just watch your partner play. It takes a lot and I mean a L-O-T of effort to make it work. Give and take. If you feel like you exhausted all your effort but it still doesn’t work out, then go your separate ways. Simple right? Don’t make things complicated. Kumplikado na nga pakukumplikahin mo pa.
Bug#4: Asset or liability
This is very common these days. I’m talking about people who have kids. “Love child” if you are mean. One can look at it as a drawback. You can also look at it as an additional perks. It’s really about perspective. Is the glass half-full or half-empty?
Solution: If you didn’t know there was a kid involved after you two got together, then the decision is yours. You can leave him/her or stay and accept the fact that this little kiddo is part of your partner’s life FOREVER. In this society we live in, brows often shoot up when they hear you are in a relationship with someone with a kid. The challenge is for you to make them see that you are happy with this set-up and what matters most is that you love him/her. PERIOD. Eh ano kung may anak? Eh di instant daddy/mommy ka. Look at Seal. You might think that he is very lucky with Heidi Klum. For me, it’s Heidi Klum that’s really lucky to have Seal. Who would want a preggy woman who didn’t bear your child and marry her? Apparently Seal. Sa bagay Heidi Klum nga naman yun. haha! Back to my point, what I’m saying is if you see the kid as a hindrance then don’t go for it. But if you look at it as an additional perks, go for it tiger! For the receiving end, you are one lucky person ‘coz this person loves you.
Bug#5: Boredom Strikes
After some time, you get bored with your partner. Things become routinely. You get burned out and look around elsewhere.
Solution: This is dangerous and scary but it really happens. I suggest that you two take a breather. Spend ME time. It helps a lot. Also, you could try different things together. Para lang maiba naman. Do not entertain the idea to fool around and look for fun elsewhere. You know what I mean. I believe that for couples to last, they should be spontaneous. Always try new things and hopefully you will be together for a gazillion years. Cheers! :D
Bug#6: THE Friend
I’ve been told that I always treat boys like my buddies. So what’s wrong with that?? Auto-friend daw ako. Meaning lahat automatic friends. Wala na daw chance to make it to the next level. Aba! Hindi ko na problema yun. Have the balls right? What if you are the receiving end on this situation? Say you and I are friends. You like me but I see you as a friend ONLY. Why not take that risk and make that move? Who knows what might happen.
Solution: If you are me, be open to anything. But do not jump into boys as if all of them are boyfriend-potential. Do not be a meanie to boys. hahaha! Be sensitive and vigilant. Mamaya yung friends mo pala nagpapahiwatig na eh ikaw di mo gets. But be careful if they are just flirting around. If you are the boy space friend and you like this girl you are friends with, then I tell you make the move!!! You weren’t given two balls for nothing. It’s better that you make a move rather than asking what if for the rest of your life. Take the risk. If it doesn’t work out, at least you tried.
Bug #7: Million pieces
You were left broken and smashed into million pieces. Your long-term relationship has just ended and you feel soooo lost.
Solution: MOVE ON. I know it’s going to be tough but you have to. You can’t mope around forever. Learn to love yourself. Surround yourself with the people that love you no matter what. Spill all your heartaches, cry your heart out. With each tear that falls, let it wash away the pain. You’ll be better before you even know it. Learn to forgive the person that left you and accept the fact that it is better off that way. :D
Bug#8: Joke Time
People see you as a joke for some reason. They don’t take you seriously. I can not explain further. That pretty much sums it up.
Solution: Ask your closest friends and family (siblings and closest cousins are best bets) why. These are the people who are 101% honest to you. They will not beat around the bush as to why people do not take you seriously. From there, work on these “flaws” not for other people but for yourself. YOU always come first before any other person. Only then will people see you differently. Good luck!
I hope my LOVE BUGS did help or at least entertained you. Bear in mind that LOVE is such a complicated thing. Don’t make it more complicated as it is. There is no such thing as right or wrong when it comes to LOVE. At the end of the day, what matters is you are happy. I know you know what I mean. Kudos to people in love. ;p ‘til then…
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Anong hindi mo maintindihan??
Posted by
rachelexi :)
7:56 PM
*I was supposed to do this blog right after the incident. But my heart wasn’t into blogging then so I waited for the right time. Thus, now. =D
A few weeks back, mum and I went to buy some stuff in the grocery after Church. We usually get in line in the seniors’ lane, mum being one. Haha! It’s soooooo much convenient primarily because elderly people are given priority and the line’s shorter.
Since it was a Sunday and people just finished Mass, it was expected that the line was a little longer than usual. What ticked me off was that we were in the seniors’ lane and three people ahead of us were TOTALLY NOT SENIORS. There was a mother with her little kid, plus two other men. After them were two elderly men then us. One of the elderly men left the line and transferred to a shorter line. Imagine that! Seniors’ lane shouldn’t be long UNLESS the grocery was packed with elderly people which wasn’t the case that time!
The man before kept on looking at us. Apparently, he was also ticked off by the situation. When he was finally being served, my mum talked to him.
Mum: Sa senior lang dapat itong line di ba?
Man: Oo nga eh. Kaya nga ho ako tumitingin sa inyo kasi nalito ako bat may ibang nakapila na hindi naman senior.
Mum: Sa ** ho hindi talaga pwede pumila ang hindi senior sa senior lane. Pinagsasabihan talaga. Ms. Dapat pagsabihan niyo sila.
Ate Cashier: Ma’am pinagsasabihan naman po namin. Yung iba talagang matigas ang ulo o kay di kami pinapansin.
Mum: Ay dapat mahigpit kayo lalo na kung may senior na nakapila. Kung wala naman nakapila na senior okay lang. Pero kasi nakapila kami, yung isa nga umalis sa pila sa tagal eh.
Ate Cashier: Pasensya na po Ma’am.
Mum: Hindi okay lang, pero sana ingat kayo next time. Asan ba manager mo?
Ate cashier points at her manager who was just nearby. Mum spoke to her and told the entire incident. She said thanks to the comment. Para nga naman yun sa mas magandang serbisyo.
But wait! There’s more!!! Before we were even done, a man, not an elderly lined after us. Tissue lang naman bibilin. Then another man came with his teen son. Grocery kung grocery. So ate cashier was put on a test.
Ate Cashier: Sir senior po kayo?
A-hole Mr: Bakit pang senior lang ba ‘to? Sabi lang naman we prioritize senior citizens.
Ate cashier stopped and failed to prove her point. :S The other man was playing dumb. Deadma sa sitwasyon! IGNORANCE is a CRIME! A-hole Mr. didn’t stop there. He was murmuring about the whole thing that it made me want to retaliate for ate cashier. Mum was throwing dagger looks at him and told ate cashier paalisin sa pila. He knew he was in deep sh*t ‘coz he left his son in line. He walked a little farther and talked to his friend complaining about the senior lane. Goodness! He is such a b*tch! We can hear him from where he was.
He has a point with the entire “We prioritize senior citizens” but if just looked below that sign, he SHOULD’VE seen the SENIOR LANE. So that doesn’t allow him to fall in line THERE!
Sobra-sobra ang pagkairita ko. Ang bobo eh! Bihira ko lang gamitin ang salitang bobo, pero sa mamang yun, akmang-akma ang salita! Kasama pa naman niya ang anak niya. Ang gandang halimbawa di ba? Gusto ko talaga siyang kausapin. Yun ang pagkakamali ko. Dahil pinili kong manahimik at pabayaan niyang tapakan ang pagkatao ng iba. Pero nung panahon na yon, ang inisip ko kasi baka mapaaway ang nanay ko dahil sakin. Ayoko sa lahat ang titirahin ang pamilya ko dahil sa ginawa ko. Dahil ang mga kilos ko, ako lang yun. Teka, switch. My parents didn’t raise me to be disrespectful and that moment I felt that this foolio was such an idiot that he will take it against my mother and not against me. That kept my mouth shut.
Pero hindi ko napigilan magreklamo sa nanay ko habang nangyayari ang lahat ng iyon. At alam kong narinig ng mama yun. He came close just before we left. Again he asked the cashier if it was only for seniors. Siyempre si ate natuod na naman.
As I was grabbing the grocery bags (he was standing there), I gave him the coldest stare I could give anyone, uttered “Goodness!” with so much anger, banged him in the arm with the grocery bags and left. Hopefully, he learned a thing or two.
Forgive my language, pero and bobo kasi talaga! Sobrang bobo nakakainit ng ulo! Anong hindi mo maintindihan sa signage?! Hanep ka lang Sir! Gusto kitang ibalik sa eskwela para matuto.
I feel for ate cashier. I know she should’ve been firm and I should’ve spoken for her when she wasn’t unable to (gave you my reason). But people like ate cashier think this way: The customer is always right. Yun ang masakit na katotohanan. Bihira lang sa kanila ang magsasabi, na hindi po talaga pwede ang gusto niyo. You want to know why?? Because their self-pride is below zero, tendency is for them to just give in. Why zero self-pride? It’s because of people like that man and people like me as well. That man shouldn’t have treated her like she was “inferior”. There’s a thing called human dignity and no one, I repeat NO ONE has the right to take it away!
Feeling niya angat siya sa buhay na pwede na lang niyang pasunurin ang iba sa gusto niya. Kaya nga may tinatawag na rules di ba? Para saan pa yun yung lalabagin rin lang naman kasi tingin mo mayaman ka at ang iba hindi?
People like me shouldn’t just stand there and let him trample the poor cashier’s dignity. APATHY is IGNORANCE’s sibling. Therefore, a crime as well.
May this be an eye-opener to us all that money is not THE gauge for human dignity. EVERYONE has human dignity and NO ONE can take it away. Please, please let us all be sensitive and WISE.
p.s I told my mum if I can say my two cents’ worth to the person involved the next time it will happen and she gave me the heads up. Hopefully, it won’t happen again. ‘til then…
Friday, January 1, 2010
Looking Back...
Posted by
rachelexi :)
9:02 PM
2009 was a rollercoaster ride for me. I have been very proud of myself when I graduated in college. I finished on time, just the required four years. At that time, I felt accomplished not knowing that it was just the start of the rough road for me.
It felt good going back to Australia, my graduation gift. I love that place so much! :) Though I had to miss my retreat for that trip, I enjoyed it and made it as my retreat place. I even asked friends to write me a retreat letter too. hahaha!
Of course, not to miss would be my last summer break. I savored each day that I was free not minding anything. I also had a very intimate, personal relationship with God. I had LSS with Kath and Dawn. I could never thank the Ocampos, insan, Wongki and the Youth enough for the wonderful experience. :) The feeling is beyond words. I can truly say that I am renewed and how refreshing I am feeling up to now.
’09 was also the time that I felt ashamed of myself. I felt like I wasn’t of any use. Being a bum was quite good but its magic wore off eventually. It’s boring to be home, trying to be busy when you’re not. The fact also remains that, I depend on mama and papa when I shouldn’t anymore.
Goal Manila was a good experience. I have learned that one must endure the pain before you get the prize. The pain was surviving the pain-in the-a** boss who made me do work which was not under my job description! The prize would have to be the event itself. Despite the minor trouble, the futboleros had a great time. :) Not to mention, they were good-looking too!
Then school came and made me excited to learn again. Another blessing would be the PAL training. It’s still a long shot but I’m willing to take the risk. ’09 has taught me to be humble and patient. Things aren’t served in a silver platter especially for a kid like me. I have experienced things I thought I would never and can’t do but I did. I finally knew that things don’t happen with a snap of a finger. My heart raced and got smashed but is still beating. Triumphs and losses are part of one’s life. I have enjoyed and endured the pain in ’09. ‘til then…
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