
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Twenty- Two Years Later...

Lydia and Raffy were happily married for eight years. They had two adorable kids, a boy and a girl. All is well with the family. You would say that their life was fine, an average income, living in one roof with the rest of the clan not to mention contentment and happiness.

Since February is the love month...should I really tell you more about it?? Little did the couple know that in the end of February of 1988, exciting thing would happen to their family. Lydia missed a day in her count and voila! Nine months later, a bouncing baby girl was born.

Her name is Ma. Rachel T. Valencia. That's me, me, me!!! :) I came in this world surprising my parents. I wasn't really part of the plan but come to think of it, had I not been conceived your life would suck! hahaha! I do believe that I am God's little angel to my mother and father and the little devil to my siblings. ;p

I grew up feeling left out by my siblings because of the age gap. I am six years apart from my kuya and five years apart from my ate. So while I was playing with my toys they were out it the streets playing. My kuya constantly teased me that I am adopted that stuck in my head for years! It was until I turned sixteen that I stopped asking my mom if it was true. She had to scold me for being makulit about it. She asked me what made me think that I'm adopted. I was a kid and I believed everything that people told me. Up to this day, my brother thinks it is funny that I seriously fell for his silly joke!

As a kid, I could say that I was lucky to have almost everything that I wanted. Though we were trained to earn it the hard way, it taught me to appreciate the value of hard work.

I was sent to a good school which I have attended for twelve years. It was indeed my second home. I met the coolest, painfully honest, sweetest friends there. The kids from school were my childhood friends. I had more friends in school than from where I am living. It is in this school that I have met the mean, pain in the a** kids who try to mess up with me and my crew. The school was the place where I had the sweetest eyecandies (or so I thought) and experienced failures left and right.

It was a shame to leave this school when I had to attend college. I had too much difficulty in college! The school was enormously huge, the class had 45 students and it was 1 and 1-/2 (2 if traffic) away from home. I literally stepped out of my comfort zone! I had to adjust to the new environment and thankfully, I met awesome friends who like me were struggling with college life. I wouldn't have survived college without them. :)

College was done and I was out in the "real" world. I struggled for the second time. The change of environment shook me big time! I wanted to see the world so I pursued this job that would enable me to pursue that dream. Fate was testing me how far I would go. I had a taste of that dream only to find out that it was just that, taste. I felt really devasted over it but life goes on as they say.

Shortly after I got my dream shattered, I got a call from my Alma Mater asking me if I could do a College Career Seminar for its Junior and Senior students. I gladly accepted it and thought it was the perfect time to swing by the school. When I saw the kids, I made a mental note to myself that I had to go back. How? The answer came to me a month after...

I saw myself walking in the school grounds, went to the guidance counselor and handed my resume. I took the exam and passed it. I've been taking exams left and right. At that time, I remained a bum, a personal choice. The school offered me a teaching post... I had another offer in a private company which I eventually declined.

There is something magnetic about the school. I struggled in the start and slowly but surely, I have managed. I have survived over half of the school year already.

Twenty-two years later, never in my wildest dreams have I seen myself teaching! But to tell you the truth, I love it. I can safely say that I am THE HAPPIEST person alive! :D I have the best family who supports me all the way whatever decision I make. My friends have been tremendously awesome through thick and thin. My colleagues serve as the solid unit that keeps me sane in school, they make life so much bearable.

To all the people who have been/ are still part of my life, a GAZILLION thanks for making my life insanely challenging yet worth-living. :) Thank you Lord for showing me a glimpse of heaven through these people. ♥♥♥ 'til then... :D

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