
Friday, December 31, 2010

Perfect TEN for 2010!

With less than an hour, I found myself in front of the keyboard, typing away. To sum up my 2010, I would have to give it a perfect ten for scoring purposes. Sure I had my tremendous roller coaster ride this year which actually made it perfect. Without my wild twists and turns, I wouldn't be who I am right now. :) Here's a summary of what happened to me this year...

*Great Depression #987654321*

Being a bum made me felt so useless. For some time, I thought I totally bagged it only to be frustrated and depressed BIG TIME!

*Wasted Cupid*

My single friends and I make it a point to be each other's date during V-Day. Who said that V-Day is for love birds only?? We definitely know how to have fun with or with out L-O-V-E :) Result was, a wasted cupid :))

*Cuhrazy Rach*

Depression can make you go cuhrazy! Partey, partey!!! You know pole dancing?? Nuff said =))

*Dora Explores East Asia*

I was soooooooo blessed to see East Asia this year. Parentals and I went to visit ate in Sushilandia. I <3 Japs!!! They're sooooo nice, neat and orderly.

Just this sembreak, mum and I invaded Kimchilandia. Koreans are one of the best people I have ever met. :D

Next stop on my list... China para kumpleto na ang East Asia tour :)


My 22nd natal proved to be very memorable and fantabuloso! I had four surprises and I felt soooooo loved! :D Thank you Lord!

*More Friends = More FUN*

It feels awesome to be friends with your colleagues and that's what I have. Work isn't really work with my co-teachers. My good ol' fellas proved to be solid rock. Busy skeds and priorities come in our way but we manage. Cheers to infinity and beyond! <3

*Going back HOME*

I spent twelve years of my life in this place and never in my wildest imagination did I picture myself going back... as a teacher! Probably the biggest decision I have made this year. Being an educator is very challenging but I thank God because I know this is where I SHOULD be :)

I have learned a lot about life this year and I know there's a looooot more in store for me in 2011. 2010 has been so kind yet elusive with "wants" but what is more important is I have what I NEED. :) A gazillion thanks to all of you who helped me along the way and most especially to that Big Guy Up Above. <3 <3 <3 'til then...

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