
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Easier said than done

*I usually do this kind of blog every year during this month. Unfortunately, I have been suffering from tamaditis and writer’s block so I sincerely beg your pardon for the lateness of this blog and the blogs that would follow…

I always do a blog about LOVE on the second week of February. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out why. But like what I said, I had tamaditis and writer’s block so this blog would be two weeks late. Anyway, I had this blog in mind for weeks now and I certainly know what to tell you about this thing called LOVE…

I’ve never been into a relationship so my take on these things would be a hit or a miss. You would either agree or disagree with me. Either way, I hope we all learn.


Bug #1: Mr./Ms. Right Now

Better known as the meantime girlfriend or boyfriend. Rebound if you must. I do understand that infatuation happens but one must know how to differentiate it with LOVE. This often happens to people coming from a break-up. They are vulnerable to “falling in love” when in fact they are not.

Solution: Enjoy your time being single. Go out and mingle. Date people. Take it easy. Eventually, you will know if you really are ready for a serious relationship and not just a rebound.

Bug #2: One-way Love Affair

You love him/her but he/she doesn’t love you. Do I need to explain further? I don’t think so.

Solution: The love line is getting long, get to the next boy/girl. ;p What I mean is don’t waste your time waiting for this foolio to love you. You might wait for eternity and believe me you wouldn’t want that. Just remember that you are a precious gem and if he/she doesn’t see that, sorry for him/her. Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t appreciate what a lovely person you are. There’s TOO MANY fish in the sea. :D

Bug #3: North and South Pole

She is a party animal, he is a home buddy. She hates smoking, he is a chain smoker. She loves sports, he’s a lampayatot. There will always be differences. The key however is how do you work your differences out?

Solution: Before you even enter a relationship, surely you knew your differences right? For some they do but for others, differences only surface when they are already in the relationship. So how do you really deal with your differences? Nothing, you just have to live with the fact that you two are different. If you are open to try, the better. Say, your partner is into frisbee and you never played any sport. Why not try it out and see for yourself? If after trying you don’t like it, then just watch your partner play. It takes a lot and I mean a L-O-T of effort to make it work. Give and take. If you feel like you exhausted all your effort but it still doesn’t work out, then go your separate ways. Simple right? Don’t make things complicated. Kumplikado na nga pakukumplikahin mo pa.

Bug#4: Asset or liability

This is very common these days. I’m talking about people who have kids. “Love child” if you are mean. One can look at it as a drawback. You can also look at it as an additional perks. It’s really about perspective. Is the glass half-full or half-empty?

Solution: If you didn’t know there was a kid involved after you two got together, then the decision is yours. You can leave him/her or stay and accept the fact that this little kiddo is part of your partner’s life FOREVER. In this society we live in, brows often shoot up when they hear you are in a relationship with someone with a kid. The challenge is for you to make them see that you are happy with this set-up and what matters most is that you love him/her. PERIOD. Eh ano kung may anak? Eh di instant daddy/mommy ka. Look at Seal. You might think that he is very lucky with Heidi Klum. For me, it’s Heidi Klum that’s really lucky to have Seal. Who would want a preggy woman who didn’t bear your child and marry her? Apparently Seal. Sa bagay Heidi Klum nga naman yun. haha! Back to my point, what I’m saying is if you see the kid as a hindrance then don’t go for it. But if you look at it as an additional perks, go for it tiger! For the receiving end, you are one lucky person ‘coz this person loves you.

Bug#5: Boredom Strikes

After some time, you get bored with your partner. Things become routinely. You get burned out and look around elsewhere.

Solution: This is dangerous and scary but it really happens. I suggest that you two take a breather. Spend ME time. It helps a lot. Also, you could try different things together. Para lang maiba naman. Do not entertain the idea to fool around and look for fun elsewhere. You know what I mean. I believe that for couples to last, they should be spontaneous. Always try new things and hopefully you will be together for a gazillion years. Cheers! :D

Bug#6: THE Friend

I’ve been told that I always treat boys like my buddies. So what’s wrong with that?? Auto-friend daw ako. Meaning lahat automatic friends. Wala na daw chance to make it to the next level. Aba! Hindi ko na problema yun. Have the balls right? What if you are the receiving end on this situation? Say you and I are friends. You like me but I see you as a friend ONLY. Why not take that risk and make that move? Who knows what might happen.

Solution: If you are me, be open to anything. But do not jump into boys as if all of them are boyfriend-potential. Do not be a meanie to boys. hahaha! Be sensitive and vigilant. Mamaya yung friends mo pala nagpapahiwatig na eh ikaw di mo gets. But be careful if they are just flirting around. If you are the boy space friend and you like this girl you are friends with, then I tell you make the move!!! You weren’t given two balls for nothing. It’s better that you make a move rather than asking what if for the rest of your life. Take the risk. If it doesn’t work out, at least you tried.

Bug #7: Million pieces

You were left broken and smashed into million pieces. Your long-term relationship has just ended and you feel soooo lost.

Solution: MOVE ON. I know it’s going to be tough but you have to. You can’t mope around forever. Learn to love yourself. Surround yourself with the people that love you no matter what. Spill all your heartaches, cry your heart out. With each tear that falls, let it wash away the pain. You’ll be better before you even know it. Learn to forgive the person that left you and accept the fact that it is better off that way. :D

Bug#8: Joke Time

People see you as a joke for some reason. They don’t take you seriously. I can not explain further. That pretty much sums it up.

Solution: Ask your closest friends and family (siblings and closest cousins are best bets) why. These are the people who are 101% honest to you. They will not beat around the bush as to why people do not take you seriously. From there, work on these “flaws” not for other people but for yourself. YOU always come first before any other person. Only then will people see you differently. Good luck!

I hope my LOVE BUGS did help or at least entertained you. Bear in mind that LOVE is such a complicated thing. Don’t make it more complicated as it is. There is no such thing as right or wrong when it comes to LOVE. At the end of the day, what matters is you are happy. I know you know what I mean. Kudos to people in love. ;p ‘til then…

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