
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 61 - favorite toy
lutu-lutuan :)

My ninang gave me a lutu-lutuan set when I was in 3rd grade and I remember bringing it to school every Friday when we were allowed to play in the afternoon. I also go to my friend's house almost every weekend and during summer break just to play. Good old times baby :)

P.S photo from the internet

Friday, December 30, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 60 - your mom and dad's sweetest photo :)
my favorite love team ♥♥♥ 
Every photo that my parents have together is the sweetest ever. It only shows how they have survived through thick and thin. I do believe they exemplify to infinity and beyond :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 59 - longest (ultimate) crush

Ang Tito Aga kong beterinaryo! OMG. If I ever see him in flesh, I'd seriously shout "Tito Agaaaaaaaaa!" and ask for a photo with him :)

Goma. Palibhasa Lalaki Days. hahahaha! Ang gwapo-gwapo tapos nakakatawa.

Ariel Rivera. Ewan ko bakit. Nagwapuhan ako sa kanya nung bata ako.

Ay!!! Silang tatlo pala yung mga crush ko nung bata ako. hahahaha!

And of course, Rich Herrera. I literally stared at him when I saw him. Eyecandy indeed! I don't really have a type as long as one is pleasing to my eyes. ♥♥♥ But they say, I'm into the moreno type. Maybe because I love soaking up the sun. :)
P.S all from the internet except Rich

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 58 - picture from last mornights Noche Buena

 Noche Buena Mass :)

The only photo  I took on the 24th. This year, I decided to skip taking photos for no reason.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 57 - photo of something you look forward to (2012)

graduation :)

I'm really excited for graduation. Ten months of hardwork, pain, frustration and fun would be realized by then :) Feeling ko ako rin ang ggraduate pag nag-graduate ang mga kids. I'm also looking forward in finishing my master's by next year. Lucky if I make it to summer grad but if not any time next year will do.  I will be summoning all the saints to help me out. hahahaha!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 56 - prettiest gift you've received yesterday (Christmas)

supporting local vocals :)

 I haven't opened all my gifts yet. I'm waiting for sissy to come home and we'll open it together. I have only opened about twenty gifts and this would have to be the prettiest from the lot. It's a personal request. I would've been overwhelmed with JM's album but I was also given the other request, Zia's album. I've been listening to both cds since I opened it. :) Thank you!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 55 - if you can have anything in this world what would it be? (picture)

inner peace :)

A few kids asked me what I want for Christmas and I replied "It's something that can't be bought". This is what I want for these holidays :) Inner Peace. I could only fully get this if I let myself be calm and peaceful.

For the past days, weeks and months even, I've been quietly praying for inner peace. I have mastered the steps but the soul is still lost. During Simbang Gabi, I have realized what I was looking for and now on Christmas Day, I can happily say that I have found that one thing I've been looking for, inner peace ♥♥♥

Sure, there are still things that bother me but it never bothered me as much as it did in the past. Hurrah for inner peace Bro!

Merry Christmas! :)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 54 - greatest/ most fulfilling thing you bought

the best book ever :)

I've always wanted my own Bible since 2008 when I joined the Youth Encounter. I don't like to bring the Bible we have at home 'coz it was mighty heavy and old. I vowed to buy one myself when I start earning my own money.

For some VERY strange reasons, I got my first, second and so on pay checks but I wasn't able to purchase a Bible! Just recently, I was able to finally buy one and I felt really, really good! It's a tiny step closer in wanting to know God even more. :) Faith is something you don't really have to flaunt. As long as you have that great connection with God, you're good to go. This is probably one of the rare moments that I let people know that hey! I do have a relationship with Bro. 'Di lang talaga halata ;p

Friday, December 23, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 53 - first thing you bought with your own money

 Of course not the X-ray film dufus! The first thing I ever spent my paycheck on was these braces aka bakal! It was long overdue. I wanted to have one back when I was eighteen but it wasn't a priority that time. It came three years later with mum paying over 1/3 of the total amount while I pay for the rest monthly. So yeah, that was the first thing I ever bought with my hard earned money. :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 52 - dream Christmas gift

for google map and games :)

I would be really happy  if I get an Itouch this Christmas :) This is the 4th gen already. I would settle for a lower version as long as it has a camera. Or is this the only Itouch with camera so far??

My sister felt bad when I told her I might get an Itouch soon. She said that I don't appreciate the gift she gave me last Christmas. Totally not the case!!! I love Cali more than anything else... but Cali doesn't offer me a map, games and wifi! The Dora in me needs those things which a trusty Itouch can offer.

Keep your fingers crossed with me! Hoping to get this real soon :)

P.S photo from the internet

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 51 - dream tattoo design

For one, mother will never allow me to get a tat! I asked her if she leaves this earth, ten or more years from now would she haunt me if I got one by then and she said yes. :l

Another reason is I am mighty scared of needles and my tolerance for pain is below than zero!!! How the heck am I going to get a tat?!

If I would ever get the guts to get myself inked, I would get an ambigram of my name and a tiara. An ambigram is a word that is designed in such a way that when flipped upside down, it would still look the same. A tiara would symbolize my being a princess at heart :) On second thoughts, stars would be cool too.

The only way I can get these is thru UV. It's a special kind of tat that can only be seen with black lights. yebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

P.S photo from the internet

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 50 - dream birthday party

partying with the closest people to me by the beach :)

Celebrating with the closest people to me listening to the waves. Sand on your feet, salty taste on your skin and the smell of sunblock lotion! This is definitely love! You don't have to worry about the dress code 'coz you just need a sexey bikini or cool boardshorts and voila, ready to partey! :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 49 - picture from your 1st birthday

No offense, but Inday is so hideous!

YES!!! My family calls me Inday up to this very day :l I grew up from a Visayan family and thus the name stuck. It was in my kiddie days (seven years old) that I wanted to use my real name, Rachel. Up to this day, my cousins, titos and titas and  my dear kuya call me Inday. Most of them out of habit but for my kuya, just to piss me off. tsk!

This was during my first birthday with my Ate Luz on the left and my sister's childhood bestfriend on the right. I celebrated my first birthday in our old house. I miss celebrating a birthday like this.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 48 - baby-est picture you got

 We left all our baby albums in the old house when we moved out. This is the oldest photo I can get. I was seven months old when I was baptized. They had to exorcise all the evil spirits from within my tiny body!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 47 - photo of you doing something crazy

C-R-A-Z-Y indeed! First, I don't dance. Second, I don't do poles!!! So pole + dancing = CRAZY RACH

For some  VERY strange reasons, I agreed to do pole dancing. Sure it was a dream. But it was a joke too! Probably the craziest thing I've ever done!=))

p.s parang bata lang naglalaro oh!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 46 - picture you never want to show to anyone


 It's not really I never wanted to show this to anyone because I just did. hahahaha! I think I also posted this in my multiply ages ago! I'm not really proud of this photo but it certainly makes me laugh! This was when I had too much alcohol intake in one night. Wasted to the highest level. Something to show little kids of an example of bad example!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 45 – photo of something you cant live without (material)

it's about the money, money, money!!!

This is a thing right? Admit it or not, we all need money to survive.  hahaha! Something I definitely can't live without ;p

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 44 -  favorite dp from your facebook
captured moments last a lifetime

I have two facebook accounts. One is my private account (celebrity much) and the other one is for my students and acquaintances. Initially, it was for people who I met during the bayanihan days. Then, when I became a teacher, I forced my brain cells to recall the password of the second account to use it for the students.

On the left is my favorite dp from my private account. I also have this on the other account. It was a photo taken during spring time of 2010 in Japan. I lalaloooooove sakura and was just in plain awe seeing it personally!

On the right is my favorite dp from my second account. This was taken February of 2010. A time when I was at my lowest but this photo shows a happy me :) Tags has its magic I can never explain!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 43 – photo of your dream date
beach bum baby!

I have yet to experience that FIRST date. It would be awesome if the first date would be my dream date. But now that I've mentioned it, it wouldn't be too much of a big deal.

Anyway, my dream date would be by the beach, listening to the crashing waves and getting a tan. It would also be nice sipping buko juice and watching the sunset. I would really like it if I would be able to do this with you, THE ONE :)

p.s I can feel friends puking all over after reading this. hahaha!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 42 – photo of your fave tv show

One Tree Hill ♥♥♥

I started watching this tv series back in 2008. While writing a thesis, my thesis partner (Gen) and I would squeeze in some time to watch episodes of OTH. I then realized that I can totally relate to it.

Eight seasons had passed and it will have its ninth (last daw) season January 2012. A lot of things happened but it never failed (still do) to amaze me each episode.
I love OTH! I love River Court! I love Jamie Scott! I love Broolian! ♥♥♥

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 41 – photo of your fave drink

A photo of my two favorite drinks in the entire universe!

On the left is my forever love, Cream Soda. Please, if you're heading to Hong Kong, please grab me a bottle or two ;p  On the right is my "water". Buko is my stress reliever! I usually get Mocha or White Mocha but for the holidays, I dig the Toffee Nut :) Extra whipped cream please!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 40 - favorite place to sleep

My favorite place to sleep is in any hotel room :) A cozy hotel room makes me want to sleep all day. I don't have to worry about fixing my own bed after waking up. hahaha!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 39 - one toy that you'll never forget

Oldschool gameboy!!! Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to have one. 'Til today, I still don't own one :l Super Mario is forever!♥♥♥

P.S photo is from the internet

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 38 - most recent picture you took

rako and mg messing around in buko on a rainy afternoon. hahaha! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 37 - oldest photo you have

Parang litte boy lang oh :)) 

This is the oldest photo I have in this computer. I don't want to scan 'coz I feel like that it's cheating :)) This was my photo in my first school ID ever. Spot how I looked like a little boy. hahahaha!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

PhotoCrazy :)

Day 36 - happiest moment of your life captured by a camera

I have a gazillion photos of happiness but this one will top the list. Nov. '11. Jumping away wearing a mini skirt during my 21st birthday celebration with all my friends from different times :) Gotta love them ♥♥♥

Monday, December 5, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 35 - your favorite letter from someone and why


I have a few friends who write letters to me but I think this is my favorite letter. Bien is eight years old if I'm not mistaken.She's such an adorable kid.  I am deeply fascinated with her because she's a gradeschooler but she likes me (I like to believe that). Any letter coming from her melts my heart away :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 34 - the creepiest photo you've ever seen

UNLIKE!!! I got this from the internet ages ago. Probably photoshopped :l Tom and Daniel. Two gwapo boys. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. TOO CREEPY TO IMAGINE!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 33 - recent gift that made your heart jump out of your chest

   Kidnapped by Super Friends for our 23rd Natal :)

I conceded and decided to accept the fact that I will not get a surprise this year. I changed into my pambahay already when pap said my friend was outside. Lightbulb! "Hindi lang si Wongki yan!"Syd was blindfolded and so was I. We were literally kidnapped by our awesome friends! They took us to Santana Grove to have dessert :)

True enough, it wasn't just Wongki. To Nikki, Jaymie, Kath, Jas and Bern, Maraming salamat! Sweetest friends alive! Much love fellas ♥♥♥

Friday, December 2, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 32 - a serious picture that makes you laugh when you see it

  USTedyante blues

June '08.First sem of my last year in college. Gen and I did something for Commerce Comelec and we had some spare time after. We decided to go to the library and study. We were seriously reading (we can't study!) and this photo makes me laugh. Natatawa ako na may moment pala ako sa lib. hahaha! Good times :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 31 - your wackiest photo

December '10. Batch Christmas Party and I posed like this ;p Wackiest I could ever get!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 30 - something you fear

blue-toungued lizard found in Australia

I saw this photo a few months ago in Nat Geo's twitter. I was sooooooo amazed that I got it. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate reptiles and amphibians! I only like turtles, everything else, I hate and  and I'm mighty scared! I wouldn't  run if I see a cockroach but if I see a lizard, I'm faster than a blink of an eye!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 29 - your favorite band with your favorite song by them

Maroon 5 is forever. Maroon 5 is L-O-V-E. ♥♥♥

This awesome band has a lot of great songs that I really like but topping my list would be She Will be Loved. Classic Maroon 5. :)

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain

And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye


Monday, November 28, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 28 - favorite song with lyrics and why

The Way You Look Tonight by The Lettermen

This very awesome song cam from the Lettermen but after decades has earned a lot of different versions. I really love the one made by Michael Bublé ♥ Then just this September I heard a version from Maroon 5 ♥♥♥

I wanted someone to sing this for my 18th birthday. My pap did :D I think my sister heard me say something about it and told pa that. I was really surprised! This is a very sweet song. I want this played for my wedding :)

There is nothing for me but to love you
And the way you look tonight

Closing my eyes and hearing Adam Levine singing this to me ♥♥♥

P.S photo from the internet

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 27 - favorite INTERNATIONAL ACTRESS and why

Don't you just love her??

My current and probably forever favorite, Zooey Deschanel ♥♥♥ I first saw her in 500 Days of Summer and because I am soooooo in love with that movie, I fell in love with her too :) She reminds you of Katie Perry. You can catch her in the series New Girl as Jess, a teacher. Pareho kami! :) yeeeeeey!!!

Summer and Jess are forever ♥♥♥

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 26 - favorite INTERNATIONAL ACTOR ( walang and why 'to ah )

I lalalaloooooove Adam Sandler!!!♥♥♥

P.S photo from the internet

Friday, November 25, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 25 - favorite LOCAL celebrity BOY and why

Local celebrity boys are my favorite for one thing: gwapo! I have a few eyecandies in the local show business but on top of my list right now is Juan Miguel de Guzman aka Angelito, ang batang ama! Oh JM!!!♥♥♥

Aside from the obvious that he is very gwapo, JM finished school in UP, so not an airhead. He is also into music. There is nothing more aliw than a musikero boy  =) It doesn’t end there. The boy has tats. Okay, some may disapprove of this, but I like mabaho, madumi-looking boys. JM is far from being both but tats give you an idea of dumi in the body. For me, it actually depends on the tat. He has a rosary, now how adorable is that?? ♥ On his back, he has a tat of his little sister who passed away (I don’t know why). Extra gwapo points! I can say that he is a sweet kuya.

He is also into sports. He did amateur wrestling in the past. He even joined MMA. Oha! Not lampa at all. Gwapo, musikero, atleta, nakakaaliw, ano pa bang hihilingin mo? Oh JM!!! Akin ka na lang. Please?? ;p

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 24 - favorite LOCAL celebrity GIRL and why

I don't have any favorite with the locals. But if I had to choose one, it would be Alessandra de Rossi. I love her morena beauty. She is very comfortable in her own skin. Payatot pero whoa! She exudes confidence so well that it makes her beautiful. She is a good actress too :) Let's go (not-so) Pinay beauty! ♥

P.S photo from the internet

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

   Day 23 - something you do when you're bored

When I'm bored, I go on a DVD marathon. Well, not really. I watch 500 Days of Summer :) I watched it upon the prodding of my brother.  Imagine that! It proved to be an okay movie until I realized it's actually awesome! I used to watch it every night but schedule got oh so busy so whenever I'm bored and have some free time, I make sure I get to watch it. Sumasabay na nga ako sa lines ni Tom eh.  hahaha!

Oh Summer, you are such a hassle! But because of you, Autumn exists! :)

Much love! ♥♥♥

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 22 - favorite cartoon character and why

I used to have the biggest crush on this guy who loves Mickey Mouse! The fondness for Mickey kind of stuck with me until now :) Who wouldn't want to be with Mickey on the Happiest place on Earth eh?? ♥♥♥

Monday, November 21, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

                            Day 21 - something that can turn your frown upside down

                                                            from :l to :D
17 recent SMS that turned my frown upside down :D I love getting random, heart-warming SMS from people that matter. I like making people smile and if I can, even making their day. :) I have difficulty in accepting compliments and it really fascinates me when I am called an angel. I now feel that they're not just saying it to fool me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

                                               Day 20 - something that makes you sad

Injustice makes me terribly sad. I wait for the day that justice will be served in this country. I've had these photos because I wrote blogs about it.

On the left, was when Mamang Lauro Vizconde heard the news that the suspects were innocent (I forgot the exact word) and the old man was literally weeping. It broke my heart :((

On the right, is the badge that media made to protest the biggest massacre ever done to mediamen. 2nd anniversary is coming up and justice is still playing hide and seek.

p.s photos were downloaded from the net long before this challenge happened

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 19 - one reason for you to smile

Happier days during special trips ;p

A freezer full of Häagen-Dazs will surely be one reason for me to smile :D It's heaven on earth. Ice cream is forever love! It doesn't have to be Häagen-Dazs but it would be extra kilig if you get me this. Local ice cream would be fine :) I scream for ice cream!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 18 - favorite book and why

My top favorite would have to be Catcher in the Rye. I don't have a personal photo of it and I have my own rule of posting my own photos in this challenge. So I looked for a photo of a book that I really like and found this. I took these photos last year. It was what I asked for my wishlist in Kris Kringle. I combined these photos so I would be able to have just one photo :))

On top is the Kite Runner. It's about two Afghan boys coming from different social classes. It talks about the struggles of both boys who grew up together.

Below is A Thousand Splendid Suns, the title coming from a famous Afghan poem. This book tells the struggles of Afghan women. Taliban has made life in Afghanistan unbearable for women.

These books made me want to see Afghanistan one day. I really believe it's an awesome place underneath all the war and violence. Insha'Allah! :)

p.s Both books were written by Khaled Hosseini

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 17 - sweetest picture of you with someone special

 DISCLAIMER: I was supposed to crop the girl from this photo when I realized she played a very important role in my life. These two people would fall in the category of someone special :)

Meet Sandra aka My Lollipop. She's a year younger than me. We went to the same school and are close friends. We were on the same volleyball team so we really are close. She's the closest girl to me from their batch ♥♥♥ Though she is thousand of miles away, we manage to stay connected. I feel that she's just here. To infinity and beyond lollipop! I will be forever grateful for all your kalocohan. I wouldn't realized it if it weren't because of you.
Meet Karl aka Karlito. A very close friend and that special someone who I really liked for the longest time. People thought we were an item. At one point, I thought we were too. Then I screwed things up. We were able to fix it then it was sort of a cycle.

This photo was taken when lollipop tagged him along in school. She wanted me to see him after a long time, much to my dismay! Look at how happy we all are in this photo :) Sandy smiling for the camera while we were laughing about something (I forgot what). This would be the sweetest photo I could ever get of us. Him holding my hand, trying to get that watergun he bought for me.Everything was natural. Captured moment right there. Happy day! :)

I got closer with him this year but just like the other times, it still didn't work. It was almost there, but wasn't really there. Oh well.

One thing is for sure. He, together with lollipop will always have a special spot in my heart.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 16 - ultimate crush and why
Ang hirap naman nito! Lahat ng kilala ako, alam na madami akong crush. As in! Pero dahil sabi ultimate crush, madali lang yan. Please allow me to have two ;p One local and one international ♥

On the left is Rich Herrera. He's a model and won Amazing Race Asia last year. Crush ko siya since 4th year highschool days ko. I used to see him in the badminton court... sa ad! hahaha! I like him because he is a certified eyecandy! Eyes that will melt you and a smile that will charm you to death! Oh! Great body to boot too ♥

On the right is Adam Levine. Should I still explain why he's my ultimate crush? Nuff said. Kidding! Adam is sexeeeey! As in smokin'! Oh, that voice! Plus, he has a good heart :) Maroon 5 is lalalooooove ♥

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 15 - sexiest shot

The first out of town trip with the crew in Playa Calatagan, summer of 2007. Mum and ate picked this bikini for me :) Kuya didn't want me to wear it, too skimpy daw. Ate said it was about time that I wear a triangle top! I'm of legal age when I wore this kind of bikini. This was the time when I used to do ab work-out. Ngayon wala ng work- out. Puro na lang work or puro na lang out. hahaha

Monday, November 14, 2011

Photo Crazy :)


Day 14 - creepiest photo you have

photo is in black and white. too graphical if not

I was looking for a photo of me. I saw one but I forgot which folder it was in. I tried looking for it over the weekend but all I got was a headache from browsing thru my gazillion photos. I read the topic again and saw that it was the creepiest photo I have, not exactly a photo of me.

Being hemophobic (someone who fears blood), I had to muster all guts to actually watch how a pig is being butchered. I panic at the mere sight of blood! That is something creepy for me. I took pity on the poor creature. I watched the entire procedure from start to end. I literally became a vegetarian for a day (I can't last more than a day of not eating meat). I'm really sorry if you are someone for animal rights.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 13 - most loved athlete and why

Initially, I wanted my photo alone but I would look like I'm full of myself. I am definitely an athlete although I wasn't able to make it big. I love playing sports and my greatest dream WAS to play for the National Team. I play a lot of sports but I really want to try soccer since 2009! Now, somebody grab me that spikes please :)

Chi Chu (Chris Tiu) is my highschool love! The first time I saw him on a magazine back in 2004, my heart skipped a beat. He's probably my biggest crush in the basketball world. I remember me and my friends got that very elusive tickets to a La Salle- Ateneo game back when we were in highschool! Nasa green side kami pero nagccheer ako for the blue team. Ang awkward lang! This photo was taken when my college friends and I watched Ateneo vs. UST game.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Photo Crazy :)

Day 12 - prettiest place you've ever been

The Beautiful Island of Capones
I was thinking of what was the prettiest place I've been through and a few places came to mind. I had to trim it down and fiinally, I came up with this one. Local na, breath-taking pa! :)Capones is an island found in Zambales. Away from civilization, the island doesn't get network signal except on top of the lighthouse. Trek to the lighthouse is extremely challenging but all worth it. I love nature and this island showcases that :) ♥