
Monday, February 14, 2011

Love History

*Forgive me for this blog is a bit late. More important things have to be attended to than this post. :l I hope you find the time to read this through and I would love to hear from you. Happy reading. :)

For the past five years, I've been writing a blog this time of the year about love. After all, it's the love month. As I was thinking of what to write this year (I'm running out of ideas already), I decided to read my past posts the last five years and got what I needed --- an inspiration.

I've done the perks of flying solo, about being single and lovely, hating and going nuts over Valentine's, SAD (Singles' Awareness Day), and finally my Love Bugs. Those were the topics I discussed the part years. Now, it gets challenging what to write to keep the readers (if there's any) interested. Then a thought came into mind...

February 14, is when the entire Earth celebrates Valentine's Day. I started to wonder, who's this Valentine anyway? What's so special with his so-called day? Why should people be happy during Valentine's Day? As these questions intrigued me, I searched in the net to know more about him.

Sure, I know Valentine from my gradeschool days. He is a saint...but that's just about it. Thankfully, technology provides information. Valentine was a Roman priest persecuted for performing marriage ceremonies for young men. The Roman emperor ordered that young men remain single. He believed that married men were not good soldiers.

So you can tell, St Valentine was a cupid. :) At that time, it was a crime! So there you go. Why we have Valentine's Day, to commemorate Valentine's valiant belief that love should persevere. :)

Now, what's your love history?  Each has a story to tell. Here's my short story...

I have loved one too many times or so I thought. Fine, I have loved but that was it. I have yet to meet the ONE. :) I've had a gazillion eyecandies but nothing really prospered from that. I'm very dense so I don't really know if there were boys who liked me. ;p But like what I told myself, I would be friendly this year. hahahaha! I'm sorry if my love history is pretty boring. I'll write more if I meet the ONE.

Some people ask why single? I used to reply, "Walang mabola eh" but now I cheerfully reply, "Why not?" I don't really mind being single. I must admit there are times that I do get impatient but then again it will come in THE PERFECT TIME. :)

For now, I will just write my love history with all the people that matter to me. I have so much love to give. Let's all give love everyday. Everyday is history, so don't be afraid to write your own love story. Something to tell your grandchildren when you grow old and gray. The story of lolo and lola.

As I end this post, let me quote from one of my favorite songs, "I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined...lalalalalala The rest is still unwritten!" Don't be afraid to love and get hurt. There's too much love for everyone around this world. We can all share it. Spread the love and be alive. 'til then... :)

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