
Monday, November 30, 2009

Avada Kedavra...NOT!!! :(

November 23, 2009, probably a date that will go down to history books. This was the day Efren PeƱaflorida was awarded the CNN Hero of the Year. A day I was joyous about…until the Maguindanao massacre happened. :(( Amidst the triumph of Kuya Ef, a bigger news came, only it wasn’t good news. It would not even be right to brand it as sad news. It was terrible news. The CNN Awardee was mightily overshadowed by this news.

The start for filing of election candidacy is already on. As politics was such a hot “commodity” in Mindanao, they would literally kill for it. That was what happened in Maguindanao. Ampatuans and Mangudadatus were known political rivals in that part of the Philippines. Think Montagues and Capulets. If Romeo and Juliet came from rival families, Ampatuans and Mangudadatus are from different poles. Nemesis.

Everything is still under investigation but witnesses have given their affidavit and they’re pointing at the Ampatuans. After all, the victims were the Mangudadatus. Who else in this world would do that to them?? The Ampatuans gave their word that all those suspected were not in the area nor in the province when that happened.

For some strange reason, I have a strong feeling WHO did it. For the obvious reason that it happened in a famous “balwarte” of the Ampatuans, the backhoe had their name on it, I mean come on! But still, we have to let the justice system do its work. I just hope that they would be fair and square. Let those perpetrators deserve their time!

Fifty-seven people were brutally killed. Some say it’s fifty-eight but they have not seen the last body yet. 57 or 58, that is still quite a number to waste in just one blow. A total waste for the simple reason of politics. Goodness! People would really kill for power. It’s such a disgusting, pointless thing to do! Mind you, these lives were all innocent. Media people who wanted to cover and deliver news were killed as if they were vermin. I could not imagine there are soulless people walking this earth. :(

I wish they had not died. I wish that given the reality that they were killed, the manner of killing would have been fictional. Avada Kedavra. An unforgivable curse in the wizarding world would suffice. It would still be killing but rather “humane”. I remember Wormtail blowing up an entire street with that curse. It’s a killing curse. You say “Avada Kedavra!” point your wand to the person you want to kill and BOOOOOM!!! Green light flashing and then the person just drops dead, literally. I wish it was like that. Fast and no pain.

What they got instead was a slow, agonizing death. Some women were said to be raped before they were killed. The wands they used were called guns which when pointed and used against you, would be painful! Unless they showered them with bullets, it would have been a slow death, bleeding like crazy and gasping for breath.

All I could do is pray for all the souls that have departed for this useless thing. Pray for their peace and strength for their families to continue the fight for them. Pray that justice will prevail in a land where it is elusive…and if it doesn’t, I know there is that ONE God who will make sure that justice will be served when Judgment Day comes. Pray that all those responsible die of guilt or lack thereof.

My heart bleeds and weeps for everyone that died. My blog shows pain, hatred and revenge. I know that if the other side would get to read this (if they come across it…unlikely!), I could be charged of libel (what the heck!) but I know deep in my heart that this is true. YOU did it and it wasn’t Avada Kedavra. :((

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