
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Trabaho hard...

Almost three weeks ago, I got a call from a friend asking me to go to her office 'coz the boss wants to see me...

I told myself I didn't want the part-time anymore but I found myself on my way there after 30 minutes. I had a quick shower, dressed up and vanity fair all in 20 minutes!

I got in the office a little earlier than expected which was a plus and was immediately asked to join the meeting on board. I was like a kid on her first day in school. I didn't have any idea what to do so I just listened and took notes that I think were important for the event.

Fast-forward... the boss didn't interview me anymore 'coz the event was just pandemonium. Or she thinks it's pandemonium. I don't really know. So, I was hired for this event and I braced myself for what is to come...

And they came. I reported to work early the next day. I did what I was told to do. No sweat. Modesty aside, I've been doing this kind of thing since I was in highschool. I was to coordinate with the teams and bug them for life. That's an easy task. :)

I didn't go to the office the next day, 'coz I did what I had to do and I can do anything else at home. That was the perks of the job. I was mobile. I can work at home at my own pace and own space.

Then the long weekend came which I spent in Cagayan. I even extended my long weekend to super duper looooong weekend. Blame it on the landslide. :s

I reported back to work on a Thursday because I was told we were having pre-production that day. I was done bugging my teams, relaxing and thinking what else I had to do for the day...

They were oh sooooo busy and spotted me doing nothing. Next thing I knew, I was semi-jogging to make it to the cut-off time with the bank deposit. I went home at 8:30pm. I was sooooo relieved that the day was over.

Next day was really a-must to go to work since it was the last day to prepare before the big day. As expected, day in the office was oh so busy. I came to office after lunch since I went overtime the day before. Ang malas nga naman! Unang beses ko pumasok ng late, eh andun na si boss. Good thing she didn't mind?? haha!

I started doing my work for the day. I thought I did everything. Well I did what I was told to do. Yun pala may mga hindi nasabi sakin na dapat gawin. toinks!

I also did a lot of other stuff. I went home 10:30pm. I had dinner when I got home. I was too busy in the office to notice I haven't eaten anything for the past ten hours.

Next day was the big day. I was in the football field at exactly 6:30 am and was excited that this was finally IT! After that day, I'm done. weeeee!

There were flaws in the flow of the event that's just inevitable. After getting over the "minor" flaw, the futboleros and futboleras were out playing in the field and having the time of their lives. :D

Futboleros watching others play

Rain poured down but these athletes' spirits were not dampened. Instead, they even played with more intensity and heart. :D

After the day's worth of mud and the finals done, we all headed to the Officers' Club for the post-event partey! :D Booze outta control. Now were talking!

Still under my alcohol suspension, I passed up on all the toasts but was having fun socializing with the futboleros. *wink wink*

Hearing what they had to say about the event made everything at least bearable. It was heart-warming that the efforts of everyone from our team was worth-it. :D Nakakatanggal talaga ng stress at nakakagaan ng loob.

So there goes my not-so part-time stint. I'll see you futboleros next year?? Maybe by then, I will be joining you in the field. haha! I'll see you soon? ;p 'til then...

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