
Monday, June 22, 2009

My heart is smiling :D

Two hours ago, I checked my facebook account. I've been checking if someone accepted my friend request for almost three weeks now. This is another me-raving-about-RH post so if you're not keen about reading a nonsense blog, I suggest that you leave my page now. :)) If you are game, then go ahead and read. :D

Ever since, we ran into him at tides last month, I searched for him in facebook. I couldn't find him because there were a lot of matches with his name. About 700+. Much as I like him, I didn't have the patience to look him up.

It's really big thanks to pebby I was able to track him down. :D She tagged me in one of these chain thingy they have in facebook. I saw that she tagged an old friend of hers who's sort of in the showbiz. :)) More of a host and model kasi. I've never seen her act. I clicked her and was browsing thru her friends, I was hoping to see him on her contacts. Right I was! :X I saw him and immediately added him.

Weeks and weeks I had to wait. I kept on typing his name sa search just to make sure my request was still pending. I was thinking he might've ignored my request.

Finally, tonight, there it was on my updates. We're finally friends. Okay, so what the heck?! For a torpe person like me, adding someone I really like is a HUGE STEP. :)) He's got over 2,000 friends how am I supposed to deal with that. At least for one, he knows that I exist! Yun lang would be enough for me. :D

Let's just wait what crazy idea will get into my head. haha! I love RH! I really do. Okay, I'm drooling over here. kidding! I am gushing over him once again. :X I recently changed my headshot in fb. Sayang, he could've seen our photo together. haha! I have a plan though. ;P My life is getting better and better each day. Thank you Lord! :D I know You are working out the best plan for me. So for now, I will just enjoy the time and let You plan. You know what my heart truly desires Oh Lord ( that's for another blog). :D

I know I will be raving about him for days, weeks even but let's have a code name for him, seeing that he is now my contact in fb. I know he wouldn't bother checking my page but for discretion purposes, let's name him rico. Not RH or rich okay? Rico is the name. :X

Basta my heart is smiling and singing lalalalalalala! :X 'til then...

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