
Monday, February 18, 2008

it happens

I wish last week wouldn’t happen again.  It was a really busy week.  I don’t think I would last if I ever had another week like that.  We went to BSP to gather some data we lack and even had time to ask for some help with the experts there.  Nosebleed kung nosebleed eh! =S  We were working double-time since our grade was on hold.  There was the election week to add up too. 

By the time V-day came, I was dead tired but was looking forward to something. =)  We (nikkie and i) even held an election on a freshie section.  Darn were they rowdy!  I was in a bad mood ‘coz someone was so rude in there.  My “dates” (she and joicey) told me date’s been cancelled and just move it to saturday.  Some things came up and I can’t be a brat ‘coz it was urgent.  So I was disappointed ‘coz I was REALLY looking forward to that sicilian lunch date.  Sure I had my downpour of boys but that wasn’t enough.  I had to wait for another two days. =(

I didn’t attend my law class last friday so that I could have extra time to finish my part on the thesis.  I just went to school to vote.  We didn’t have our last class ‘coz our prof. went to a seminar out of the country.  We didn’t join the comelec thingy either ‘coz we really have to finish our revisions ‘coz our deadline was saturday.  I was so bangag friday night doing it.  MG and I just text each other from time to time to check how we do with our parts.  It was a bummer day since two of our profs were out in that seminar I just said and it was a sluggish day.  We were able to pass our revisions on time and I just hope that was good enough.

Saturday means I would finally have my sicilian craving.  I guess not.  We still had some conflicts with time so we just decided to cancel it for the second time rather than have everything fast-paced.  I totally understand but you can’t blame me to feel upset.  Oh well.  joicey and i took out sicilian, I had green apple float while she had quickly.  It might have been a different set-up but at least somehow I got what I want. =)

I also had my singles’ night-out with my chicas (highschool fellas).  That too was cancelled.  What a bummer! =S  We decided to cancel it ‘coz not everyone can make it.  So what was supposedly a busy saturday  became a lousy one.  I got an SMS from qtie to go to starbucks.  Apparently pao ambushed her.  Well she was aware of that except that some other friends of pao would be there.  Okay lang naman daw kaso jahe factor.  So as soon as I got home from school, washed up, changed and dashed off to buko. 

After that, we went to ruins and looked for some tv series but it was still not complete.  We just went home.  Kwento galore lang and food trip.  =)  I said I didn’t want to drop by ‘coz it was a “rule” to eat first before leaving.  Ang kain dun parusa kasi big servings! haha!  At hindi talaga ko pinatakas at nag-dinner pa kami.

I know we had some great plans but were cancelled.  It was sad but it happens.  I know we’ll make it up next time.  I may not get what I was expecting but I got something else and it was all good. =) ‘til then…

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