
Saturday, October 13, 2007

how far would i go?

Last Friday, I was put on a test... A test on how far would aI go for a friend.  I'd be willing to go to Neverland or even the end of the rainbow just to help a friend.=)   You see, that's how much I value my friends.  You're one lucky person if you know you're in my circle.=P  I know I'm equally lucky with you guys...=)  Let's just say last Friday, I was feasting my eyes on Wentworth Miller 'coz I was doing a Prisonbreak marathon and I got this SMS from a great fella asking for a favor.  It wasn't that difficult but I just had my break from hell week that time and I have to get my ass of the couch to buy him something... It was for his chica for crying out loud!  Kami nga di binibilan eh...hmph! Anyway, I did bought him what he needed and he even made me go back and forth places so his life would be easier but in the process making mine difficult!  End of story is I'd gladly go to Pluto just for a dear friend.  So when I say I'd be there, wait a sec, I'm just a human but with extraordinary love for people that matter to me most.  So if you're in my circle, you just have to do your part or I don't have any choice but to turn my back.. If I do, there's no turning back...'til then...=)

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