
Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Perfect Love Team Ever :D

Today is a very special day. Twenty-nine years ago, a boyfriend-girlfriend decided to spend a lifetime forever. They finally tied the knot for I don't know how many years of being boyfriend-girlfriend. Today is my mother and my father's twenty-ninth anniversary. :D

I don't really know their love story and I never really bothered asking them. I felt reluctant to know their little kilig story (if it was) and I don't really care. What matters to me is that on one fateful day, they met, probably went out on a couple of dates before making it official. :D Then finally, my pap asked my mum to get married. yiheee!

Their marriage is not all smooth-sailing. Oh! They had their ups and downs and I tell you there are a lot.

They had to wait for two years to have kuya. What a cute bundle of joy he was to them! (if kuya can read this, he would probably treat me to mcdonald's for a week . hahaha!). :D He was God's answer to their prayer of becoming a family. Naks!

Mama and Papa didn't have to wait long for another bundle of joy. Just a little over a year when kuya was born, ate came to this world and she completed their dream of finally having a princess in the family. :D Back then, they had a baby boy and a baby girl. Everything's complete.

So where do I come in??Hahaha! When I was a kid, my siblings used to tease me that I was ampon and I believed it 'til I was sixteen! Sira ulo lang ako. :)) Mum had to scold them (it was really just kuya!) for teasing me all those years and she told me that why did I ever thought of that. Since then, I was convinced that I am my mother and my father's child. With the big age gap I have with my sibs, one would think na putok sa buho lang ako. =)) Really, they weren't planning for a third child (that's what I know since they already have a boy and a girl) but then I came. My theory is that the Big Guy Up There wanted my parents to have that extra joy they can't get from my sibs. LOL Pagbigyan niyo na ako, pinilit ko na nga lang isali sarili ko eh. :)) No really, I am also God's gift to mum and pap. Imagine their lives without me. Imagine your lives without me. Ang lungkot di ba? See?? Kaya ako nandito. :D

Going back to my parents... They have raised us pretty well. I give them all the credit for grooming us to be good-natured. It's not an easy task raising kids especially if you are not well-off. We're not rich but they give the best to us. They mighty try to give us everything, if not all, at least the bare essentials. :D

My mum and pap as a couple is what I would call complimentary and complementary. :D Complimentary 'coz my mum makes my pap look good and my pap makes my mum look good (work out the gist!) and complementary 'coz they go hand-in-hand. Ika nga, "You complete me" ang drama nila. :)) Okay, that was cheesefest!!! *barfing all over the place*

They had their fair share of fights that scared me to death 'coz I thought they were going to separate. But my pap's got an enormously big heart for ma that after World War III, he makes it up to mama by being sweet (Ilonggo blood kicking in). Mama on the other hand, has this great control over her temper when pap starts talking and just remain quiet so as not to make matters worse.

That's the thing I love about my parents. They are sooooo different yet sooooooo alike. My mum loves to eat at fancy restaurants while my pap settles for cheap-o foodies. That's just one of the many things that they differ yet they connect at a totally inexplicable level. :)) By inexplicable, I mean L-O-V-E.

Love is indeed a two-way street. Give and take not just give and give nor take and take. I am pretty sure that is the secret of my wonderful, cool parents! :D They wouldn't have lasted twenty-nine years without that little secret.

So move over Judy Ann-Wowee (sorry Ryan), Jolina-Marvin, Brangelina, Romeo and Juliet 'coz the Perfect Love Team Ever is here... Lydia and Raffy. :D

Cheers to twenty-nine years and counting! I am Team Lydiaffy. wahahaha! :D 'til then....

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