
Monday, May 28, 2007

left ALL ALONE in the battlefield...=(

I am an introvert.  MIngling people is not really my thing.  I always need a spokesperson.  I'm just built that way.  Once I get comfortable in a crowd, I let me be'd see me wacky and really madaldal, but when I'm quiet and all serious it means I'm a loner.  Last Saturday, May 26, I went to my Alma Mater for an alumni meeting.  Nik couldn't make it 'coz she was in Baguio.  Everyone just seem to be busy...really busy to come and rescue me.  Okay, so I'm a bit exaggerating things here  but that's how I see it.  When people need me, 98% I'm there, even if it means I have to sacrifice other things, I'd be there when you need me.  That's how I VALUE people.  When I needed someone, just someone, no one came rushing at my side!   I wonder why??  Then it hit me...I can not depend on anybody.  I always thought of that.  Things changed and I started to believe that hey! I can depend on him/her whenever I need help, but I guess I shouldn't.=(  I know fellas' eyebrows are probably shooting up as you read this.  Sorry that's how I felt.  I HATE being alone.  There are just some moments that I want to be alone and on that Saturday was not one of them.  Thank heaven's for my senior friends ( that's what I call them) and they were there.  But this does not mean I don't need my friends, batchmates ( more appropriate for the occasion) there.  For those who didn't know there was a meeting, here's what I have to say:  Ignorance excuses no one...   To those who didn't make it 'coz they had a duty:  You're excused...=)  As long as really had duty that day!  To those who didn't make it 'coz they didn't feel like it or didn't find timefor it when i KNOW they CAN:BAHALA KAYO! Iniwan nyo ko sa ere!!!>=/  For those who were plain apathetic:  Sanay na 'ko...  Ba't pa asahan ang mga nawawala???  To those who were out of the metro:you're excused too.  Well I'm proud to say I survived it WITHOUT you.  You left me ALL ALONE in the battlefield.  I struggled, I fought and I came out victorious...haha!  Lokohan na...Oh well.=(  'Til then...


  1. Yes, you were indeed the sole representative of AAM Batch 2005.

    I know how you feel. I've got a family to take care of and have a full-time job but I made it to the meeting. So, really, there are no excuses (except perhaps life threating\livelihood threatening situations).

    How are you doing on the canvassing of the minimum deposit and maintaining balance of the banks? Please update us at

    In faith,


  2. Sorry naman Lex. I was out of town during the meeting.I'm just sorry I didn't tell you guys that I was leaving.I missed you all and I still do.Hope we all have a blast during Mon's stay here.Love you. You know that.Mwah!
