
Monday, August 5, 2013


With today's fast-paced world, social media networks left and right, it is very convenient to keep up with the latest news. While I was browsing thru my twitter last week, I saw this topic trending --- #At22. I decided to click on the trending topic and realized why most people were making a big fuss about it.

Apparently, the daughter of the alleged pork barrel scam queen, owned a luxurious condo unit amounting $80M at age 22. This sparked the twitter world to post what they owned and had, did for a living back when they were 22.

I asked my siblings what they were like at 22. My sister said. " When I was 22, I had no career path and I was so infatuated with the wrong guy". I asked my brother how old he was when he finished college. He answered 24. I didn't ask him further. I had the answer for him. hahaha!"At 22, my kuya was stuck in school trying to pass all his subjects because he can't afford to fail any further".

I still felt like a kid, acted and thought like one at times but was a highschool teacher juggling time for studies and fun.Struggled!

That's how I felt back when I was 22. Let me break it down for you. Here's what happened to me for the past 364 days of being 22:

* All three sophomore sections threw a birthday surprise for me! Boy, was I really surprised! I would have been happy with just my own Plato but no, Darwin and Mendel were also in for some sweet surprise! I would never forget those times and will be forever grateful for those kids :)

* Masters became tougher with all major subjects and demanding professors! My social life is slowly dying at that time!

* My first ever trip to Baguio. Yes, I was already 22 when I finally made it there! I was really ecstatic when I found out I was going there for a seminar! Who would have thought that teaching would be the way to get me there? Thank you Lord! :)

* Reunited with my college buddies for UST's Quadricentennial Celebration! VIVA SANTO TOMAS! It was good to be home :)

* Working break. This is when you are supposed to be on a break but then you would be working because there is just too much workload and taking a break wouldn't be so wise! Working break with awesome friends made things bearable. Editing articles, encoding grades over a cup of kape is always fun :)

* Dicovering my new buko drink by accident! My  friends and I were having our usual kape session and I was drinking hot mocha because of the chill weather that time. I was happily sipping my drink when my good friend interrupted me. She asked if that was my drink. Of course it was or so I thought. I was drinking her white mocha for quite some time already. Kaya pala nag-iba yung lasa! From then on, I have loved White mocha ♥♥♥

* Attending Prom as a teacher! It felt so good reliving the good times. I came to prom not as a date but as part of the faculty. How time flies.

* Partying hard during Valentines! Thank you Lord for awesome single friends. At that time, I was happy being what I was  --- single. All those heartaches, fights and even break-ups were not my type! My day will come...

* Getting close (again) to that one boy who made my heart skip a beat. Oh, there I went again!

* Struggled but survived! I never thought that teaching could be oh-so-challenging! I never even thought I would teach at that age! Sure I did want to teach but when I am like 40! Without any proper knowledge about it, teaching felt like being thrown in the water not knowing how to swim. I struggled big time but with the guidance and help of my colleagues (friends), I was able to finish a year of teaching. Hooooooray! :)

* I prayed for Japan and its people after that disastrous, scary tsunami attack.

* Fun time with ate during her vacation. Ate decided to come home for summer with her Japanese friends to attend a colleague's wedding. Oh how I missed her!

* KIMchi boys are going home to Korea :l Saying adios to Jong Chan and Jong Hyun was sad. They were my Korean students who excelled in class. I definitely missed having them in class and most of all, I miss my KIMchi boys.

* It was summer vacation but I had summer classes for masters just to keep up with the rest of the class. No, it wasn't because I failed! All my classmates were doing advance classes, I had too as well if I wanted to graduate same time with them.

* I had my hair cut short again. It was summer, hot and I wanted a new look! Dora ang negrang lakwatsera back again! :))

* Little brother is home after 145186415 years! Gala lang ng gala with fellas. Must catch up! :)

* Watched Maroon 5 with friends. So what if we were right at the back of the concert?? Adam Levine is divine!!! I love him even before that but when I saw him in flesh, I was smitten all over him. Adam Levine is my forever love! This love has taken its toll on meeeeee ♥♥♥

* Liking this one boy way too much that it scared the shizz out of me.

* Why hello there Cebu! While on board, I was surprised to see my old classmate in gradeschool. She is fyling PAL as a flight attendant. Since then, Jam and I have kept in touch :) Cebu was good for history enthusiasts and don't forget about the lechon! I wasn't able to go around much but mother and I had a great time. It was a good break before heading back to another year of teaching. :)

* Starting the school year without Ly. It was tough but awesome friends made me feel I have them so nothing to worry about school. :)

* Handling a senior class could be such a headache! From disciplining them to attending their speech choir practices and helping them out in whatever means so that they can do their best.

* Birthday celebrations with the clan ---- kuya, Jaco, Ate kaz. Parties with the clan is always ffffffuuuun :)

* Ninja moves with the crew. Yes we were 22, but not all of us were allowed to see a movie during last full show! Sneaking from uberly strict parents just to  watch HP and heading to Tagaytay while we were "supposed" to be staying at the dorm . hahaha! The best part was, dropping off lj's stuff in the airport and getting him again to eat inside BF and finally dropping him off the airport with an hour before his flight. All the while, his mom thought he was in the airport 3 hours before his flight! Oh what fun :) At 22, you would think we would be free to do whatever we will BUT NO!!!

* Cheering for the Azkals and watching it live! I had three tickets for the Azkals game care of Tita Dang :) Syd and Igi boy went to watch with me. Though it was drizzling, this did not dampen the spirits of the Filipinos watching. Azkals won in that game. Hooooooray!

* Valencia girls off to Boracay! It was my second time while mom and ate was there for the very first time. The island has been magnificent as always! It was an awesome way to unwind after all the exams I had to check! How I missed travelling with the coolest people on earth! :) ♥

* Kuya Leo's sudden passing away. Fresh from Boracay, we got a call from my cousin that Kuya Leo was shot during their operation. He was a cousin-in-law but he felt very much like a family to all of us. :( Rest in peace kuya!

* 9/11/11 ---- ten years after the WTC attack but for me it was a day to celebrate! Tomas Renato Educalani Ycasiano was born that day. I now have a reason to celebrate every 9/11! :) I was also made into a ninang two weeks after he was born. I am one proud ninang ♥♥♥

* Compre!!! I thought I would go crazy with the exams. I took a leave at work to be able to make it to my two-day compre exams. Eto yung literal bahala na si batman. Akala ko sasabog utak ko sa information overload!

* After months of confusion and too much liking, I have summoned all courage to ask that one boy if we could be together. The answer was just like the old one, years ago --- NO. My heart was shattered into gazillion pieces. I had too much alcohol that night. I love my friends who were always there whenever I needed them the most. :)

* Ly's despedida party. Dear pebots is off to Jeddah for work and medication. Rrifffics and our highschool barkada reunited to see her before she left. :)

* Lola Laleng has gone to rest. It's always sad when somebody we love passes away. Lola Laleng was my lola's youngest sister. After losing nanay, lola Laleng was the only lola I had. She lived nearby, mom and I would visit her once in a while. We always see her in Church and we even slept over her place when her yaya took a leave. I miss her so much! I am thankful that God has given her a full life back when she was still alive.

* Food fest + awesome company + "fan" = Rach is back on track. I can't afford to be sad for too long. My friends have made sure that I would be busy having fun and before I knew it, I was finally over my heartache :)

* Underage "cousins" partied with us in Central. Yung mga minor pinapasok ng walang harang at tanong tapos ako tinanong ng bouncer ilang taon na. Ang fair! It's so ang fair! :))

At 22, I was crazy, carefree and lived life the best way I can. No flashy cars, no designer bags or clothes and definitely no luxurious condo unit in LA. I don't really know what's up with being 22 but let me quote Taylor Swift  ---- Uh oh, I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22.

I'm 24 but I am definitely feeling like 22 or younger than that!  What were you like at 22? What do you envision yourself like at 22?

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