
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Back to Sydney :D

It's been over a month since my trip down under. So what? haha! Anyway, here goes what happened there. :D

This is one of the many blogs that is long over due. So here goes...

While majority of my blockmates and fellow Economics majors woke up early for the call time in USTe, I was heading on a different way. Most of them were in for some "soul-searching" and reflection of their four years in college and life in general, I was bound for some action-packed adventure.

I was really looking forward to this retreat. Aside from the fact that this will be an ultimate bonding experience with my block, this will also be my first time in four years. I haven't been to Calaruega so that's a plus for me since I heard it's a nice place and I've seen photos of it and indeed it's nice. Really nice. So I was all psyched up for this trip when I had to make a decision...

My Australian visa will be expiring on the thirteenth of March that time and I had to make a decision... ASAP! I had this on my mind since February came. My mother has been harrassing me since then to make time for this trip. I really want to. Mid- February, I approached my professor and Eco chair what was up for March. She said that we will be having our finals on the first week. Ayos, solved. I will have all the time in the world for my Aussie trip.

Drawback is the retreat. I thought that we will be having it before the exams only to find out that it will be after exams. I only have two options. To either go to this much-awaited retreat and let my visa expire (again!) OR go to this Aussie trip that was long overdue and miss the much-awaited retreat. In the end, I chose to take the Aussie trip and forego of the retreat. If I miss that trip, the Australian government might get pissed at me for letting two visas expire. If only I can get both of the best worlds, I would. But that wasn't the case. Trade-offs in life.

I packed my things a week before the trip and I found myself cramming for last packing activity the night before the trip! ayayay! While my friends were in USTe for their bus trip to Calaruega, I was in the lounge with my mum waiting for our flight. I was in spirit with you guys in the retreat. Seriously, whenever I would check my watch I would be thinking what activity were you doing or if it's break time already. But since I was on this trip, I might as well embrace the fun. :D

My mum squeezed in this trip for me 'coz she wanted me to go see Sydney once more. Fifteen years ago, I set foot in Sydney. It was my first trip and as a kid, I was really excited about it. :D The photo below was taken 15 years ago. I used to pose with my fingers showing my age. haha!

We arrived in Sydney ahead of our scheduled time ( bravo PAL!), mum called tita Amy to let her know we were already in. :D tito Jonathan came to pick us up and the trip back to their place took about 45 minutes of no traffic and freeway speed. :D Far eh? It's all good. Their place was so cozy and the kids were sooooo big. Aya is a teen now, Anika is thin as ever and Ali is a cute, big, little girl. Last time I saw her was in a photo as a little baby.

Next day, tita Amy, mum and I went around Sydney for my benefit. haha! We went back to Queen Victoria, Circular Quay, Darling Harbor, Opera House, Hyde Park and the Church. It was awesome to see and go back to memory lane. It was the same in my memory 15 yrs ago. If there were changes, I didn't really notice them. I love Australia next to Hong Kong. haha! It really is different down under. :D Who knows I might migrate there?

at the Opera House then

at the Opera House now

at Darling Harbor then

at Darling Harbor now

at the Hyde Park then

at the Hyde Park now

The next day, mum and I toured in Central and left our luggages in tita Amy's office. We went to Market City and all other places nearby. Tita Amy treated us out for lunch in a Thai restaurant. I must say, Pad Thai isn't bad after all. :D

My trip back to Sydney was a short one but all the time spent was really worth it. No dull moment for me. I still feel the same way the first time I stepped in the plane 15 yrs. ago, excited and ready to see a lot of things. :D

Special thanks to tita Amy, tito Jonathan, Aya, Anika, Ali for being sooooo accomodating to us. I would be grateful to you for the rest of my life. :D Also, special thanks to tito Rod, Uncle Vernon, their lovely girls, shakira and beyonce for the scrumptuous dinner, playtime and dropping us off to the airport. :D

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!!! Oi, Oi, Oi!!! :D I LOVE SYDNEY! :X 'til then...

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