
Friday, March 29, 2013

A Good Friday Indeed!

As another Good Friday comes, I recalled what I have done the previous year, the previous months most recently. I can remember like yesterday that we were in Disneyland during Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. We already had the tickets and decided to go. Lenten season would not be forgotten in our hearts.

This year, I reflected on all the things that happened the past year. Some were good and others proved to be challenging.

Just recently, I have done things I really don't do but did anyway. I know it was a lack of judgment. A week worth of blah would make me repent for the rest of the year. How timely that shortly after that was Holy Week. I have been praying with all my heart.

Oh what delight it is to praise You Lord! I am blessed with awesome friends who just don't stick around in good times and bad, but friends who pray with/for me.

Visita Iglesia was extra fun with the rriffics. 14 Churches? No problemo! It was truly a challenge with the intense summer heat and the traffic that took longer than our praying time. We would not fail for Your sacrifice was far greater than ours. Friends that pray together, stay together.

It was a week of prayer. Then news came to me like a thief in the night. I knew it was coming my way but hit me like a lightning all the same. Your love never fails Oh Lord. In that dark hour that I felt so low, You have touched my heart. You have sent people who would help me get up. Thank You Lord for always listening. I may never understand it that time but I am slowly getting there.

Truly, You are a God of miracles and blessings. Thank You for giving us Your only Son to redeem us from our sins. Thank You for the endless blessings and forgiveness. My heart rejoices in You Lord, my God. You are an Amazing God!